Asiatic Lily Flower


    Asiatic Lily Flower

    For a colorful crochet project create the Asiatic Lily flower. You can follow this easy crochet project to make your own piece. This project has pink or orange petals with dark spots inside.

    Asiatic Lily Flower


    Orange Flower:
    Red Heart Yarn, Center and Petals – Sea Coral #246 10 yds.
    Center Spots – DMC #814

    Pink Flower:
    Red Heart Yarn, Center and Petals – Pink #737 10 yds.
    Center Spots – DMC #814

    H hook


    Center of Flower:
    With H hook and petal color [leave 30” for behind petals], ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook, join to beg sec.

    Back Petals: Work in back loop (sl st, ch 4, trc leave last loop on hook, dtrc leave last loop on hook, yo and pull through all 3 loops on hook, ch 4, sl st) in each
    loop around, join to beg sl st and fasten off. (6 petals)

    Front Petals: Work in front loop *work a “petal” in any loop, sl st in next loop, rep from * 2 more times join to beg sl st and fasten off. (3 petals)

    With two 6 strands DMC #814 make 4 french knots in center of flower (wrap thread 4 times around needle before completing the french knot.
    (Continue with Rnd 1 as established in general instructions.

    General Instructions:

    1. If sewing flower directly to crocheted item omit instructions between [ ].
    2. If continuing a pattern behind the petals of a flower, use all instructions for the flower then crochet the following:

    Rnd 1 – (Behind Petals)
    With H hook and 30” strand of yarn (left behind flower) work in center of the
    flower *sc between any 2 sc, ch 3, cont from * around evenly spacing 3 more
    ch 3 sps, join to beg sc and fasten off. (4 ch 3 sps)
    Continue with your pattern.



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