Mosaic Spheres Glass
Get the look of stained glass in your home. If you put the glass mosaic spheres in a window the sun may make it shine like no other.
- Balls, one each: 6"; 5"
- Mosaic pieces (repurposed/broken china or glass plates and/or ceramic tiles)
- Ceramic tile adhesive
- Lightweight spackling
- Ruler
- Rubber spatula
- Disposable container
- Container of water
- Natural sea sponge
- Clean, soft rag
- Hammer
- Tile knippers
- Work gloves
- Old bath towel
Wrap plates and tiles, one at a time, in old towel. Place towel on hard surface, like concrete sidewalk, and rap contents smartly with hammer. Do not hammer repeatedly or you risk disintegrating mosaic pieces. Check inside of towel periodically and remove pieces of desired size; wear work gloves at all times when handling broken items. Be sure to remove all shards from towel or discard towel entirely to prevent accidental cuts.
Use tile adhesive to secure mosaic pieces to foam balls in pleasing designs. Use tile knippers to cut some pieces to size as needed.
Follow manufacturer's directions to mix spackling "grout" in disposable container until smooth and spreadable.
Use spatula to apply grout to surface of ball; be sure to push grout into spaces between mosaic pieces. Smooth grout as much as possible as you work. Let set a few minutes, then gently smooth using damp sponge. Rinse sponge often in fresh water.
- Let grout set up slightly, then wipe face of mosaic pieces again with damp sponge. Let dry completely. Use clean, soft rag to polish mosaic pieces.
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