Knit Buddies
This girl and boy doll set from Patons are adorable and easy to make! Have fun dressing them in the creative knit outfit of your choice!
- Bernat® Handicrafter
- (50 g/1.75 oz/73 m/80 yds)
- or Bernat® Satin
- (100 g/3.5 oz/149 m/163 yds)
BOY BUDDY - Main Color (MC) (Beige)
- 244 m/268 yds
- Contrast A (Mint)
- 122 m/134 yds
- Contrast B (White)
- 122 m/134 yds
GIRL BUDDY - Main Color (MC) (Beige)
- 244 m/268 yds
- Contrast A (Pink)
- 122 m/134 yds
- Contrast B (White)
- 122 m/134 yds
- Knitting Needles: sizes 4.5 mm (U.S. 7) and 5 mm (U.S 8) or size needed to obtain gauge. Stuffing.
Approx 14 ins [35.5 cm] tall.
18 sts and 24 rows = 4 ins [10 cm] with larger needles in stocking st.
Approx 14 ins [35.5 cm] tall.
18 sts and 24 rows = 4 ins [10 cm] with larger needles in stocking st.
Alt = Alternate.
Approx = Approximately.
Beg = Beginning.
Cont = Continue(ity).
Inc = Increase 1 stitch by knitting into front and back of next stitch.
K = Knit.
K2tog = Knit next 2 stitches together.
P = Purl.
P2tog = Purl next 2 stitches together.
Pat = Pattern.
Psso = Pass slipped stitch over.
Rem = Remaining.
Rep = Repeat.
RS = Right side.
Sl1 = Slip next stitch knitwise.
St(s) = Stitch(es).
Tog = Together.
WS = Wrong side.
With smaller needles and A, cast on 48 sts.
Proceed in stocking st (knit on RS and purl on WS) until work from beg measures 5½ ins [14 cm], ending with a purl row.
With MC, cont in stocking st until work from beg measures 8½ ins [21.5 cm], ending with a purl row.
Shape shoulders: 1st row: K9. K2tog. K2. Sl1. K1. psso. K18. K2tog. K2. Sl1. K1. psso. Knit to end of row. 44 sts.
2nd and alt rows: Purl.
3rd row: K8. K2tog. K2. Sl1. K1. psso. K16. K2tog. K2. Sl1. K1. psso. Knit to end of row. 40 sts.
5th row: K1. *K2tog. K2. Rep from * to last 3 sts. K2tog. K1. 30 sts.
6th row: Purl. Place marker at end of row.
Shape head: 1st row: K1. *Inc 1 st in next st. K3. Rep from * to last st. K1. 37 sts.
Beg with a purl row, cont even in stocking st until work from marked row measures 4 ins [10 cm], ending with a purl row.
Next row: K1. *K2tog. K2. Rep from * to end of row. 28 sts.
Next row: *P2tog. Rep from * to end of row. 14 sts.
Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Fasten securely.
ARM (make 2).
With smaller needles and MC, cast on 10 sts.
1st row: (RS). Inc 1 st in each st. 20 sts.
Beg with a purl row, work even in stocking st until work from beg measures 4 ins [10 cm], ending with a purl row.
Cast off knitwise.
Fold Arm lengthwise. Sew cast on edge and side seams, stuffing Arm as you sew.
Sew Back seam of body. Stuff Body.
Sew bottom closed. Beg at center of cast on edge, sew through all thicknesses for 3½ [9 cm] to form legs as shown in picture. Sew arms to shoulders.
Note: Shirt and Sleeves are worked from top down.
FRONT and BACK (make alike).
With larger needles and A, cast on 26 sts.
With A, work 2 rows in stocking st.
With B, work 2 rows in stocking st.
Rep last 4 rows for Stripe Pat until work from beg measures 4½ ins [11.5 cm], ending with a 2nd or 4th row. Cast off knitwise.
SLEEVES (make 2).
With larger needles and A, cast on 22 sts.
Proceed in Stripe Pat as given for Front until work from beg measures 3 ins [7.5 cm], ending with a 2nd or 4th row of pat. Cast off knitwise.
With WS of Front and Back facing to each other, sew cast off edges tog ¾ inch [2 cm] in from side edges for shoulders. Place markers on side edges of Front and Back 2 ins [5 cm] up from cast on edge. Sew sleeve between markers. Sew side and sleeve seams.
***With larger needles and A, cast on 40 sts.
Proceed in stocking st for 3 ins [7.5 cm], ending with a purl row.
Next row: *K2tog. K2. Rep from * to end of row. 30 sts.
Next row: *P2tog. P1. Rep from * to end of row. 20 sts.
Next row: *K2tog. Rep from * to end of row. 10 sts.
Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Fasten securely.
Sew back seam.
Place Hat on Head and sew in position.***
With smaller needles and MC, work as given for Boy Buddy, omitting all references to color changes.
(make in one piece).
With larger needles and A, cast on 60 sts.
With A, work 4 rows in stocking st.
With B, work 4 rows in stocking st.
Rep last 8 rows once more.
With A, work 3 rows.
Next row: (WS). With A, P4. *P2tog. P6. Rep from * to end of row. 53 sts.
With B, work 2 rows in stocking st.
With A, work 2 rows in stocking st.
With B, work 2 rows in stocking st.
Next row: (RS). With A, knit.
Next row: With A, P3. *P2tog. P8. Rep from * to end of row. 48 sts.
With B, work 2 rows in stocking st. Place marker at beg and end of last row.
Next row: (RS). Cast off 10 sts (armhole). With A, K14 (including st on needle after cast off ). Leave these 14 sts on a spare needle. Cast off 10 sts (armhole). Knit to end of row. 14 sts.
Beg with a purl row, work 3 rows even in stocking st. Cast off knitwise.
With RS of work facing, join A to rem sts on a spare needle and knit to end of row.
Beg with a purl row, work 3 rows even in stocking st. Cast off knitwise.
Straps: (make 2).
With larger needles and A, cast on 12 sts. Cast off.
Sew straps to Front and Back as shown in picture.
Work from *** to *** as given for Boy Buddy.
For more great knitting patterns be sure to check out our 24 Quick and Easy Knitting Patterns eBook!
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