Quilted Flower Bouquet Wall Hanging


    Quilted Flower Bouquet Wall Hanging


    Hang a quilted bouquet of flowers from your wall in bright, cheerful colors. Rotary cut and piece together different shapes and then either machine quilt or hand quilt.

    Quilted Flower Bouquet Wall Hanging

    Project time: 1 - 2 days


    • Collins Crystal Glasshead Pins (C104)
    • Collins Invisible Monofilament Thread (C324)
    • Collins Machine Quilting Needles (C167)
    • Omnigrid 45 mm Rotary Cutter (2050)
    • Omnigrid cutting Mat
    • 6" x 12" Omnigrid Ruler (R12 Yellow)
    • Thread
    • Materials: 100% cotton 44" wide fabric
    • Pink ¼ yard
    • Yellow ¼ yard
    • Lavender ¼ yard
    • Blue ¼ yard
    • Green ¼ yard
    • White ¼ yard
    • Backing ¼ yard
    • Batting 25” x 33”



    1. Sew using ¼" seams. Seam allowance is included in all cutting measurements.
    2. Press as you go. Press seams in one direction (not open) toward the darker fabric whenever possible.
    3. Label each group of cut pieces.

    From Pink, cut:
    1 strip, 2½” x width of fabric
    Subcut into 11 squares, 2½" x 2½"

    1 strip, 2 7/8" x width of fabric
    Subcut into 9 squares, 2 7/8" x 2 7/8"
    Cut each square once diagonally from corner to corner to yield 18 triangles

    From Yellow, cut:
    1 strip, 2½" x width of fabric
    Subcut into 6 squares, 2½" x 2½"
    1 strip, 2 7/8" x width of fabric
    Subcut into 7 squares, 2 7/8" x 2 7/8"
    Cut each square once diagonally from corner to corner to yield 14 triangles

    From Lavender, cut:
    1 strip, 2½" x width of fabric
    Subcut into 10 squares, 2½" x 2½"
    1 strip, 2 7/8" x width of fabric
    Subcut into 9 squares, 2 7/8" x 2 7/8"
    Cut each square once diagonally from corner to corner to yield 18 triangles

    From Blue, cut:
    1 strip, 2½" x width of fabric
    Subcut into 8 squares, 2½" x 2½"
    1 strip, 2 7/8" x width of fabric
    Subcut into 9 squares, 2 7/8" x 2 7/8"
    Cut each square once diagonally from corner to corner to yield
    18 triangles

    From Green, cut:
    1 strip 2½" x width of fabric
    Subcut into 16 squares, 2½" x 2½"
    4 rectangles 2½" x 1½"
    1 strip 2 7/8" x width of fabric
    Subcut into 4 squares 2 7/8" x 2 7/8"
    Cut each square once diagonally from corner to corner to yield 8 triangles

    From White, cut:
    2 squares, 2½" x 2½"
    1 strip, 2 7/8" x width of fabric
    Subcut into 30 squares, 2 7/8" x 2 7/8"
    Cut each square once diagonally from corner to corner to yield 60 triangles
    2 strips, 2" x width of fabric
    Subcut into
    2 strips, 2" x 22½" for side float borders
    2 strips, 2" x 17½" for top and bottom float borders

    Sewing Instructions:

    1. Sew triangles together to make half square triangle units in the combinations listed:

    Half Square Triangle Units

    14 pink & white
    2 pink & blue Illustration. #1
    1 pink & lavender
    1 pink & yellow

    10 yellow & white
    2 yellow & lavender
    1 yellow & blue

    14 lavender & white
    1 lavender & blue

    14 blue & white

    8 green & white


    2. To create the center of the wall quilt design, arrange the squares and half square triangle units as shown. Sew the pieces together in horizontal rows; then sew rows together.

    Quilted Flower Bouquet Layout

    3. Sew white float borders to the center design, sides first then top and bottom.

    Finishing Quilt:

    1. On wrong side of quilt top, lightly mark a seam line ¼" from raw edges all the way around the quilt top.

    2. Place a 25" x 33" piece of batting on a flat surface and smooth out any wrinkles.

    3. Cut the batting fabric 22" x 30" and center on top of the batting with right side up.

    4. Center the quilt top, right side down, on top of the backing fabric.

    5. Smooth layers and pin together around the edges.

    6. Sew around the entire quilt top on marked ¼" seam line, through all layers leaving a 5" opening along one side for turning.

    7. Trim batting and backing fabric to the exact side of the quilt top.

    8. Turn the quilt right side out through opening between quilt top and backing fabric.

    9. Press. Hand sew opening closed.


    Prepare to Quilt:

    1. Using small safety pins, pin-baste layers together every 4 inches. If you prefer you may thread baste layers instead.

    2. Decide if you want to machine quilt or hand quilt your project.

    Machine Quilting

    1. Set the machine for a slightly longer stitch length.

    2. Stitch around quilt ¼" from finished edges.

    3. Determine how much quilting you would like. Begin in the middle of the quilt and stitch down the center of chosen seams (this is called “stitch in the ditch”).

    Hand Quilting:

    1. Stitch around the quilt ¼" from the finished edges.

    2. Stitch ¼" from seam lines using a small, even running stitch.

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    Searching for a pattern for a child sized quilt that I could put scanned fabric family portraits in. I will enlarge and make this into a nursary quilt. Thanks!



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