
Adorable Christmas Tree Decor

Adorable Christmas Tree Decor
Adorable Christmas Tree Decor

Give old toilet paper rolls some new life with these easy Christmas crafts for kids. This Adorable Christmas Tree Decor is truly one-of-a-kind. Your children will feel a sense of accomplishment when they see their cute creation hanging on the wall. Even though this is an easy project, this kids Christmas craft still makes a great decoration for the holiday season. Gather your children around the table and encourage them to create this Adorable Christmas Tree Decor as a family.

Primary TechniqueGreen Crafting




  • Wood plaque
  • Toilet paper rolls
  • Apple Barrel paint – Bright Magenta, Cloudless, Light Pink, Pool Blue, Regency Blue, White
  • Mod Podge Sparkle
  • Painter’s tape
  • Paintbrush(es)
  • Craft glue
  • Scissors


  1. Begin by basecoating the plaque with Cloudless. Let that dry until it’s really dry.
  2. While the plaque is drying, cut your tp rolls into various lengths. You want three for the tree top and then one for the tree base. Paint the three larger rolls with White and the tree base with Bright Magenta.

  3. This is the part that older kids can handle, but you might have to help the young ones. Make stripes on the back of your plaque with painter’s tape and then paint over the top with Pool Blue. Remove the painter’s tape immediately after painting.
  4. Let dry . . . and then paint Light Pink around the edge. Let that dry.

  5. Glue your tp rolls down to make a tree using the craft glue.
  6. Then use your paint colors (including the ones you haven’t used yet) to add dots to the “tree.” Just use the end of the paintbrush to make them. They don’t have to be even.

  7. Paint the plaque with Sparkle Mod Podge. You can paint the tree too – it’s up to you!