
Woven Mug Rug

By: Cyn from
Woven Mug Rug

When it comes to fun and colorful weaving patterns, this Woven Mug Rug checks all the right boxes! This budget-friendly design is a creative way to use up any odds and ends of yarn that you may have on hand. The pattern is also portable and can be easily slipped inside your carry-on bag for use at your destination. It's also a fun and unique pattern to make with kids! This weaving pattern won't take long to create and will be a colorful addition to your everyday kitchen decor. You will be so proud to show off your weaving skills when you make this mug rug pattern.

Estimated CostUnder $10

Time to CompleteIn an evening


Primary TechniqueGeneral Crafts

Age GroupElementary School, Pre-Teens, Teens

Project TypeMake a Project


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