
Burp-Tested Burp Cloths

By: Lisa Mabey from
Burp-Tested Burp Cloths

In the Designer's Words: "These burp cloths are the best, most absorbent burp cloths ever--and the only ones you'll ever need. Get the pattern, tutorial, and materials list (including those that don't work and why) and make up a stack for yourself or for baby shower gifts!"
These Burp-Tested Burp Cloths sewing patterns have actually been tested by new mom’s and grandma’s alike. The best baby shower gifts to give are the DIY crafts that are actually practical. Skip the adorable onesies and way-too-expensive stuffed animals and learn how to make burp cloths. Aside from diapers, burp cloths are one of the number one things new mom’s need. Brand new babies spit up way more than most people expect and while cute little outfits are certainly charming, a handy dandy burp cloth can change a mom’s life. Follow along with this free how to sew a burp cloth tutorial to learn how to create a burp cloth that is absorbent and as practical as they come.

Project TypeMake a Project

Time to CompleteUnder an hour

Sewn byMachine

Best Fabric for DIY Burp Cloths

If you are looking to make burp cloth patterns for your own baby or as a DIY baby shower gift, make sure that you use the best fabric types for DIY burp cloths! Burp cloth DIY projects should be made out of fabric that is thick and absorbent as well as durable. Unlike cute baby blankets or adorable little baby clothing pieces, DIY burp cloths are going to get to be used a lot which also means they are going to be in the wash a lot. This means they need to be able to be beat up.
The best fabrics to use for DIY burp cloths are thicker and able to absorb. This means you want to avoid lightweight cottons and anything too thin to allow the spit up to soak through. Generally, flannels are a great choice for this since they are cuddly and absorb while not staying soaked for too long. Extra fuzzy fabrics, like cuddle fabric or fleece, will stay soaked for far too long, making them a poor choice for this. If you are looking to be earth-friendly, consider making burp cloth patterns and DIY burp cloth ideas out of old flannel shirts and towels.


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