Striped Crossbody Bag


Striped Crossbody Bag

Striped Crossbody Bag
Striped Crossbody Bag

"Create this easy trendy simple modern crochet tote bag with this free pattern! This free crochet pattern features basic crochet stitches and step-by-step instructions. This is the perfect bag for any skill level and fun to make in different colors! The final crocheted bag measures approx. 12″ x 10″ with a 26″ strap. ​A cute pattern and right size, makes a great gift! This summer tote is made with cotton yarn (the right yarn for crocheted bags) and is a perfect project to take on the go!"


Crochet HookI/9 or 5.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(3) Light/DK (21-24 stitches to 4 inches)

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