Super Cute Fairy Graveyard


Super Cute Fairy Graveyard

Super Cute Fairy Graveyard
Super Cute Fairy Graveyard

"Are you running out of time to make a really cool center piece for Halloween? Get into the spirit of things with this super easy and budget-friendly fairy graveyard that can be made in an hour. And the most amazing thing about it is that the moon lights up when the sun goes down, illuminating the skeletons and gravestones in its eerie light! You'll love it and your kids will have so much fun, too."

Estimated CostUnder $10

Time to CompleteUnder an hour



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It's true, you COULD go to Michaels or JoAnne to buy from any selection of miniatures to put inside your gourd or plastic pumpkin. But you'd be missing out on the togetherness/family time, the chance to express your creativity, and produce a true original piece of "art". I might do a mix of both if I were to do this crafting DIY. I do like the trees that they sell. Oh! Even make use of a shoe box. Here's an idea- make a secret scene on the inside that one can only see by looking through a hole in the side. What fun for the little ones!


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