Make a Christmas Word Tree


Make a Christmas Word Tree

1 Comment

Make a Christmas Word Tree
Make a Christmas Word Tree

"Here’s a fun way to use your word dies for the holiday season! Making them is fast and easy and you can use the papers you have on hand to create unique Christmas cards. Simply stack your words in a column with the smallest diecut at the top and the largest at the bottom to suggest a tree! The look can be elegant or country casual, bright or muted. It’s up to you! Your friends will love your cards!"

Estimated CostUnder $10

Time to CompleteUnder an hour



Materials List

  • Elizabeth Craft Designs A Way With Words craft dies
  • gold cardstock
  • navy cardstock
  • die cutting machine
  • adhesive

NotesChange the colours to suit any mood - and use up some of those small cardstock pieces you've been hoarding! Have fun!

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What a pretty project. Plus it's easy and not expensive. A few of these would look very nice on my mantel come December. I can place them around the room with different inspirational verses on them. And they can be mailed as gifts with out fear of breaking. Thanks for sharing.


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