Velvet Plaid Blanket


Velvet Plaid Blanket

Velvet Plaid Blanket
Velvet Plaid Blanket

"The velvet plaid blanket is the perfect fall crochet project. I am so in love with this thing!! I just want to curl up in it all the time. I made a smaller lapghan size, but I really think I’ll end up making a queen velvet blanket for my bed when I get a chance. I think you will really like the velvet yarn for this project. If you prefer, you can sub any super bulky yarn that gets gauge to suit your taste. Yarn: Bernat Velvet, 1 (2, 3) skeins each Vapor Gray (MC), White (CC1), and Blackbird (CC2) Hook: US size N/P (10.00mm) Notions: Clover Tassel Maker, Yarn Needle, Scissors"


Crochet HookN/15 or 10 mm hook

Yarn Weight(5) Bulky/Chunky (12-15 stitches for 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge10 sts and 8 rows = 4″ in sc

Finished SizeLapghan (shown): 26″ x 40″ Throw: 48″ x 56″ Twin: 64″ x 88″

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