12 Days of Christmas Giveaway


    12 Days of Christmas Giveaway

    12 Days of Christmas Giveaway!

    12 days of Christmas Giveaway

    We are bringing back our most popular holiday contest again and giving you a chance to enter to win a prize a day!  From Monday, December 2nd until Friday, December 13th, we will be running a different giveaway and featuring a brand new project on the FaveCrafts Blog!  Check back with us each day to see a wonderful new craft, a new featured giveaway, and enter to win our massive Sleigh of Prizes, which includes ALL our daily giveaways in one big package!


    Wanna keep up to date on all the news about our 12 Days of Christmas giveaway?  Subscribe to our newsletter and check the blog every day to enter to win these twelve awesome prizes.  You can enter to win once a day, every day...so the more your return, the greater your chances of winning this epic craft collection!

    12 Days of Christmas Giveaway

    Included in the Sleigh of Prizes giveaway:

    • Polyform: Set of 24 Sampler clay (Sculpey Premo!), Super slicer, clay tool starter set, texture sheets and mini metal clay cutters
    • WEBS: floral yarn caddy with Valley Yarns (5 blue mist, 5 white, 1 yellow) and sweater pattern
    • Spellbinders: 6 packs of unique holiday/winter shapeabilities
    • AllFreeCrochetAfghanPatterns: 4 skeins of yarn, 1 set of 8 mini skeins
    • Jimmy Bean’s Wool: 3 skeins (red, white, blue) and pattern to make hat
    • WhimseyBox: 6 month subscription
    • Plaid: Gift basket with: 8 variations of mod podge, 12 variations of paint, foam rollers, photo transfer medium, high temp mini mod melts, podgeable papers
    • Lion Brand: 7 skeins of yarn (2 holiday homespun, 4 heartland, 1 super fuzzy)
    • I Love to Create: Body art glitter tattoo kit (red, white, silver) sparkley, Glitter spray paint, Fashion Glitter (24 colors), Beads in a Bottle Glitter, 5 small fabric paintbrushes, Fabric paint (gold, diamond, ruby, gold, green)
    • Leisure Arts: Knook: Complete Learn to Knook Kit, Beginner set, Beginner set for kids, complete set, Set with Medium Yarns, Set with Light/Medium/Bulky yarns, and 6 books (Urban Hats, Simple Scarves, Baby Beanies, Dishcloths, Learn to Knook, Baby Blankets)
    • Elmers Glue: Elmer's Craftbond Precision Embellishment Glue and two sets of Painters Pens, in Bright Colors and in Metallic Shimmer
    • Red Heart Yarn: Red Heart Tote Bag, 2 sets of crochet hooks (varying sizes), 9 skeins of yarn (different colors and textures)

    Official Rules for Entering the Daily Giveaway

    • There is a maximum of one entry per person. The entry will be based upon a comment left on the daily blog post. Duplicate comments will be deleted and are not tallied.
    • You must “like” the sponsoring site's Facebook page to be eligible.
    • Winner will be selected at random from the comments on this blog post.
    • Winner will be announced on the blog the following day, as well as contacted by the email address provided.
    • You have until 11:59p EST the day of the contest to leave your comment on the project. Comments posted after that will not be counted.
    • Contest open to anyone 18+ in US and/or Canada.

    Official Rules for Entering the Grand Prize Sleigh of Prizes Giveaway

    • To be entered to win the “sleigh of prizes”, one of each of the 12 days prizes, you must comment on the project of the day (see list below).
    • You have until Sunday, December 15, 2012 at 11:59 CST to comment on our project of the day.
    • One comment per person per project on the site, posted each of the 12 days.
    • Comments on this post do not count towards the grand prize.
    • Grand prize winner of all 12 prizes will be announced on December 16, 2012.

    12 Days of Christmas Project & Giveaway List

    *Posts go live the day of the giveaway.

    December 2nd:

    December 3rd:

    December 4th: 

    December 5th: 

    December 6th: 

    December 7th: 

    December 8th: 

    December 9th: 

    December 10th:

    December 11th:

    December 12th: 

    December 13th:

    Your Recently Viewed Projects

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    I so would enjoy all these prizes! Please

    I really love crafts but have the money to out and buy yarn to make new things.

    I would love to win the 12 days of Christmas Giveaway. I make different articals for children in hostipals.

    Would love to win the sleigh of prizes. That would make for an awesome Christmas.

    this sounds great!

    What a Christmas this would be.. I haven't had money for yarn in 6 months.. this would be sooo awesome. I love crafting whether it's recycling things in the house or crocheting or sewing..

    What an awesome prize package. Would really love to win this. My husband was telling me the other day that I needed to take up a NEW craft. I do mostly crochet and needlepoint/embroidery.

    I really love crafts, but haven't been able to buy many things lately, would love to win. Thank you

    i have not done any of these projects yet but will soon...I would love to win the 12 days of Christmas Giveaway...

    sounds like the best christmas present EVER, PLEASE

    Awesome giveaway! Happy Holidays!!!

    Wow. That would be amazing. :)

    this would make a lot of crafts

    In my dreams

    I would love to find these under my tree

    Oh, my, this would be spectacular!!


    Would love to win and share with family.

    This would be nice to share with my kids

    I love it all!!!! I have been doing a lot of handmade Christmas gifts this year and running low on supplies!! Merry Christmas Everyone!!

    Oooooh! I would so love to win something!!! Merry Christmas!

    Wow, this all looks so amazing. I would love the opportunity to tune it all! Thank you!

    This has been so fun, thank you!

    Love it all! Thanks for the chance!

    These would make a nice shower gift. Can't wait to try it.

    I would love to win. I am so out of supplies it isn't funny. I made many of my Christmas gifts. Now that I have this back condition, crocheting and crafts is one thing I can do at mt own pace. Thanks for this chance.

    I have a grandbaby coming and my friend is having her first grandchild...oooooh what I could do with this prize!!!!

    i love making crafts, when you are disabled it gives you all kinds of thing do make for family and friends

    That would be perfect to win

    THIs would be amazing!!!!!!! the best christmas gift for my ever lol ty for the chance

    So many crafts to make and give. I'd have a hard time deciding what to do first.

    I would absolutely love to win this prize! Many of the Christmas gifts I am giving are hand made crafts! This would really help!

    I will be in CRAFT HEAVEN if I win this gift and could make a lot of gifts for others since I have no job to buy this year.

    OMG...so much stuff..so much I could make...I am so excited to get started! Hope I win. This is the coolest site ever! Thank you for all I have learned!

    This is such a cool site.

    i just joined the sight and would love to learn how to knit.this site is cool and can take alot of my time if im not careful..lol

    i could make so many more gifts!!!

    it is so cute but i have not made it yet

    this will look nice on my newest grandchild

    my friend just had her baby, this would look so cute on her

    I have so many relatives having babies...this is going to be the perfect gift to make for next year!!!

    I'm not a proficient knitter but maybe if I started this now, by the time I have a grandchild I might succeed in completing it.

    I don't have a baby to knit for, but it looks like fun

    I would love to make something like this

    Would love to win something!!!! I have made some festive scarves for gift giving.

    santa suit is very nice

    Cute Santa suit...

    Very cute santa Suit and would be plenty warm for the ittle person wearing it . Showing Christmas spirit to all

    What a cute Santa baby suit! And there's been a few baby's born around me this season that would be just perfect for it!

    Wonderful way to try out some things I have not tried.

    Crafting craziness...now that would generate some creativity in the New Year!

    I love crafts it would keep me busy so cute

    I could really get my Craft on. Thanks for the chance to win.

    This so cool! Thanks for the chance to win!

    Lot's of goodies!!!

    OMGoodness! Lots of goodies for me to PLAY with!

    I would lov win it all

    I would really stay busy all winter.....

    This would be the perfect gift for me. I do crafts to keep busy and it helps to keep me connected to my grandkids and other people. this would be great as I can not always afford the needed things.

    I like all others need more craft ideas and craft supplies, this would be a great bunch to get to put into my stash

    I could use a sleigh. But really I am enjoying your posts. Very refreshing.

    This is an amazing contest and I hope I win :)

    It looks like there are a lot of fun additions to anyone's craft supplies! ConnieB

    This would be perfect for me as I help my daughter at her daycare and could keep the children busy with some good crafts. Thanks, Marcia Merry Christmas.

    Please let me win - I want this so badly.


    This looks like some of everything I love to do! Love it. Thanks for having this giveaway, and good luck, everyone!

    I could really use this wonderful Sewing Kit! I purchased a sewing machine and have never sewn a thing. I plan to make aprons for a local non profit's families.

    what a great way to get a jump start into a crafty new year

    My daughter would love this how nice!

    I would love this (although my husband might not)

    One can never have too many supplies! Merry Christmas

    Would love to give this as a gift to family friend!!! Merry Christmas to all of you!

    That would be a wonderful gift.

    would love to win!

    I am so excited about this prize, I hope I win. But if I don't congratulations to the winner!

    I would love to win the Sleigh of Prizes giveaway!!

    i like the nautical ocean breeze crochet throw and can't wait to try

    FUN! A bit confusing though as to where the comments should be made and to whom I should be "favoriting" ....perhaps I just haven't ingested enough coffee yet this morning. *fingers crossed I've gotten all the steps to this dance correctly*

    oh i would love to win this and maybe go to a senior citizen home and teach things to them...brenda

    The vase is beautiful. Mi especially love the butterfly on top.

    So excited to get a chance to win these awesome prizes!

    Thanks for posting and giving us a chance to win these great crafting items. The crafts are great gift ideas.

    What a wonderful bunch of prizes, great way to learn a new craft. I would love to show something fun to make with my Granddaughter, who is 6, and love's crafts, while I'm babysitting.

    I sew and craft a lot for family and friends. I would love to win this!

    Would love to play with this stuff with my daughter!

    I love to make gifts for the office staff at my school. Every year I try to make sure to remember them at Christmas and Valentines day. It would be great to have a boatload of new products to play with!

    Have been a crafty gal since I was a wee one starting in sparks and then brownies etc.

    I love crafting of any kind and sewing. All of these prizes come in handy during the cold long winter days. Just stay in where it is warm and craft all day LOL*******

    I love to do crafts as a hobby it's fun to do.

    seriously would love to win this! i've not ever won anything in my life but this would be the one thing that would be very cool to win. Course, the lottery would be my first choice. :D

    A package of pure fun! Would be thrilled to win it!

    Wining this would fill my winter nights with awesome projects. Thank you for making it possible.

    I would most definitely put these treasures to good use. So excited to win something so awesome.

    Between my daughter and I, this would be a well used and enjoyed prize. All the items that can be created from the various materials included in this package.

    You guys are the most giving people. Having such a grand prize would surely make anyone greateful to win it. Good luck everyone and that you for this great opportunity

    Great collection. Stuff for both me and my daughters to use, if I get picked

    I want! I want! I want!

    This is so fun! Thank you for doing this! :)

    Holy smokes! I would have SO much fun with all this stuff!

    What an awesome prize pack! Hope I win!

    Love all arts and crafts. Especially around Christmas time!

    Would be great for learning new crafts.

    WHAT an AMAZING give away! I would LOVE THIS!!!!!!

    My daughter totally wants a pair of fingerless mitts, and this pattern looks so easy. I'm a relatively new knitter, so this pattern should be right up my alley. Thanks! :)

    Wow, not very lucky, but there is a first time, would be a great Chritmas gift to me, and my sisters, always share with them, (my triplet sisters) I am the middle of three .

    I'd be so excited if I won; love yarn and knitting and crocheting beautiful things.

    this would be so awesome!!! can never have enough yarn and supplies!!!

    this would make a great and wonderful stocking stuffer for family member who love to knit and crochet

    I would love to win this!

    would love to teach my youngest granddaughter how to crochet and knit, she is really into crafts

    I so need this my supplies are getting so low

    Would be amazing to win, thank you so much for hosting the contests!!

    I would love to win this!!!

    I would love to win this!

    thanks for this awesome offer

    I think children are so into computers, ipads and electronics that they tend to forget the fun that they can have with crafting. Children should turn off TVs and do more crafts which is a healthy way of learning. Anyone who wins this prize is very lucky and would be very appreciative. Thank you. Like one of the site that I watch, the child says "Happy Crafting" :) Enjoy.

    this would be an awesome prize to win!!

    The "Tiffany Blue Fingerless Mitts" pattern looks like a real good pattern to start learning how to knook and the pattern is real cute.

    Crafting is like a religion to me...a day without crafting or knitting or quilling, crocheting, sewing, scrapbooking, or making new creations with my grandchildren...is like a day without a morning prayer.

    I don't know how to Knook but would love to learn. I do all sorts of crafts since I have been on disability. This would be a much appreciated gift!!!

    I love crafting, and am always looking for new patterns and techniques to try.

    Cuter than cute! Learning to knit is on my todo list right after the holiday crochet gifts are done. Favecrafts.com your link to the blog to comment, this does not work (Not Found, Error 404, http://www.favecraftsblog.com/Knitted-Baby-Santa-Suit-Red-Heart-Giveaway) Not fair I can't leave comment.

    I just love this site and would really welcome this craft prize to go in my new craft room!

    This would be perfect for the new bin shelves my DH is putting in the new craft room (formerly known as empty bedroom) he's making for me for Christmas!

    Would love to win all this wonderful craft items. I have just recently set up a craft room and would love to fill it with these wonderful things Ann Bilger

    Would love to win!

    Looking to set up a craft room in my house; this would be a great way to stock up! thank you for a terrific site.

    I love crafting :-) can't get enough. I love making things for other people.

    I love making things and giving them to family and friends

    Ho-ho-ho so much fun and so many things to make!!

    My husband and I are both disabled so we enjoy making all kinds of crafts to give to the homeless men from our church for Christmas and their birthdays.

    I just set up an art room in my house. The benefits of being empty nesters. This would be a great way to stock my supplies!!!

    Thank you for a chance to win a wonderful array for craft items!

    Such a great selection of quality crafting products. Thanks for a chance at a wonderful Christmas gift!!

    I am always making gifts for friends and family. Would love to receive these great supplies. They would be used for a variety of projects. My granddaughter would be able to enjoy them too. She has a visual disability but still loves to create with what ever I can find.

    I love crafts. Thanks for the giveaway!

    I would live to win all of the products in the give away. I can really use the items. I am a big crafter, mostly knit and crochet, but I do other things from time to time. Thanks for letting me enter your contest.

    This giveaway would give my kids hours of learning and fun, would be amazing to get this

    This giveaway would help me to get my Christmas gifts done way before December.

    i have not made the craft yet, but it looks very nice and would be great for many ages. the gift for today would be terrific do do this craft and quite a few others to make as gifts or for yourself. truely a blessing to the winner - which i hope is me!!

    This is awesome... Thank you so much. I make my Christmas gifts every year... This could really help.

    Nice giveaway

    This is one incredible giveaway. I can't wait to put my hands to it all. (confidence - hehe) Nice Work Guys!!!

    Awesome giveaway!!

    Truly something for everyone-items to keep and things to make to give away :)

    wow Awesome giveaway. I would be the happiest little crafter if this arrived at my door.

    What a wonderful giveaway. And excited for the chance to win!! And excited to have a chance to have all of this. There is things I know how to do and things I have been wanting to learn how!

    I could be a very very warm person with all those yarns! Oh MY!

    This would keep me busy for weeks!

    i could have a hey day with any of this. always up for a new experience

    Great giveaway - thanks for inspiring us with yarns and project plans!

    This is a great give away. It looks like I would have a lot of the materials that I need to teach children around me how to make many different items.

    This is an amazing giveaway. If I won I would give this to my daughter as a gift because she has loves crafting.

    Just iMagInE all the things you could make with this.......

    Best give away

    this would be a great gift but might keep some for me hehehe

    what fun

    This would be fun

    what fun

    This would be the best gift. I could do so many crafts with it all.

    I like this because i learn more so that i can apply it to make and give it to me a money so that i can help to others.

    If won this, I would spend quality time with my daughter and granddaughter making crafts together

    goodness glass canisters how cool is this bren

    What fun I would have for days, weeks, months and years with the sleigh full of goodies to create fun and wonderful projects

    It would really be like Christmas!!!!

    This is a fantastic giveaway and I would love to win! The things I could do with those craft supplies!

    Wow...what a wonderful Christmas Prize this would be for this crafter!

    If I would win all this. I would forget about any house work and craft, craft, craft.....

    Awesome if I would WIN. That would give me a lot of crefts to do for the winter. Thank you for the chance to win.

    I love all things crafty so I hope I win.

    This sounds like fun and I'm hoping I found the right spot for today's giveaway. I have spent HOURS this week trying, and usually failing, to find the right access to the daily giveaway.

    This is fantastic!!

    These contests are really too complex to complete. Just my opinion.

    WOW . . . what a great prize. This would be great to have and use in my new hobby room! Love your website. Keep up the great work.

    There are so many things I could make with all your giving away. Love to win something.

    This is amazing! I love doing yarn crafts!

    I have crocheted many afgans and many other items. I learned to crochet in 1970...and I still love to crochet. Thank you. Barb

    I love crafts.

    Loving this site!

    I'm loving this site! Dream come ture!

    got some informations

    I like crochet and my granddaughter and I like crafting.

    What a great giveaway there is so much I could do with it. I would love to beable to crochet one just like it and give it to the Hospice house in Newport, North Carolina

    Loving this giveway - posting some great ideas!

    It's very pretty. I would use different colors but this one is nice.

    I love the Nautical Ocean Breeze Crochet throw. I've made several afghans. Right now I'm working on one for Christmas. I would like to try this pattern for my oldest son who lives in Charleston. The prizes are awesome. Thank you so much for the opportunity.

    So many new crafts to try and some old favorites as well. What an amazing bundle of happiness. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays....Sandy In Montana

    I love crafting!!! Would love to win!!!!

    Great ideas and projects. Thanks for the daily chance to win one of these.

    Wow so many great ideas and chances to win. Thanks for the chance.

    Great selection of prizes and so many things to create through the winter months! Wonderful!

    I love it all!

    I just love crafting!!! What a wonderful bundle to offer.

    just love all homecrafts

    Great card for the music lover in your life. And it seems very easy to make.

    looks like a fun card to make so it is going on the to-do list. Elizabeth

    I would love to win this!

    got some informations

    wow awesome giveaway thanks for the chance to win

    I like mittens the best as they keep your fingers warm. I like gloves when I drive. I like to take day trips with my husband so I will have this project in the car to work on. Thanks for the pattern.

    This seems like a very interesting project that goes on my to do list.

    This looks like a fun project I could make with my grandkids!

    With this prize, there would never be a boring day during retirement....so much to do AND the time to do it! Would bring so much enjoyment! Thanks for offering it.

    this would absolutely be THE best Christmas gift ever :)

    I would love some new orifice hooks for my spinning wheels. the Sculpey Clay would be perfect!

    This is an AMAZING giveaway! So many possibilities to try out each companies items. Would be wonderful to win this! TY so much for the chance!

    First Happy Holidays _ I would LOVE to Win some of prizes _ Thank You so Much

    I would love to win this! Thanks for the opportunity.

    This would be amazing to win. There is so much stuff. I could really get my craft on. Thank you for the chance to win....


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