How to Clean a Paint Brush


How to Clean a Paint Brush

With these quick and simple methods, cleaning paint brushes will be easy!

How to Clean a Paint Brush
How to Clean a Paint Brush

You’ve just finished painting your craft masterpiece, and now it’s time to put all of those amazing crafting supplies away. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert at painting, washing paint brushes can be quite the chore. Not all paint brushes are created equal, and not all paints can be removed by the same means. Lucky for you, this How to Clean a Paint Brush tutorial has two proven techniques that should do the trick! The methods featured below will teach you how to clean all kinds of paint from your favorite brushes. With this tutorial, washing paint brushes will be a breeze, and you’ll have your painting tools looking as good as new.  

As a bonus, we’ve listed some exciting painting projects for you to try your newly cleaned brushes on. These crafts are some of our most popular projects, and we’re sure you’ll love them as much as we do. 

Materials List

  • An old plastic container or glass jar
  • Hot water
  • Mild dishwashing soap
  • A rag or paper towels
  • Appropriate solvent (if not a water-based paint)
  • Optional: a paint brush comb
  • Optional: fabric softener

How Do You Clean Paint Brushes?

There are two main techniques used to clean paint brushes. Each technique, though similar in execution, requires slightly different ingredients for effective cleaning. The difference in ingredients can usually be found on the label for the particular type of paint used, as each technique requires a different solvent for proper care. For example, cleaning acrylic paint brushes requires only soap and water because acrylic is a water-soluble paint. Cleaning oil paint from brushes, however, often requires a stronger solvent of mineral spirits or paint thinner. 

The Water-Soluble Method

Before cleaning, check to see if your paint is water soluble or not. Most common craft paints, such as acrylic or latex, are water-based paints. Paint brushes that have been used with acrylic paint can be cleaned thoroughly with this method. 

  1. If you've just finished painting with your brush, wipe as much of the paint off as you can with an old rag or paper towel. The more wet paint you can wipe off, the easier this process will be. If you're cleaning a paint brush where the paint has hardened onto the brush, skip to the next step. 

  2. Combine hot water and mild dishwashing soap in a glass jar or plastic container. Make sure that this container can be used exclusively for cleaning paint brushes. 

    Dip your paint brush into the soapy water and swirl it around. Make sure you're evenly moving your brush back and forth, so as to give the solution an equal opportunity to wash paint from each side of the brush.  If you're cleaning a brush that has hardened paint on it, this process might take longer. Be patient. The paint will dampen and loosen with a little time. Let your paint brush soak for a few minutes if the hardened paint isn't loosening right away. 

  3. Once the paint has been removed, rinse the brush with some running water. If you have a paint brush comb, comb through your brush to remove any excess water or paint that's hidden inside. Rinse again. Dry immediately after with a rag or a paper towel. 

  4. Optional: With the handle, spin your paint brush between your hands to shake off any excess water or soap that might still be lingering. 

  5. Straighten the bristles, and let your brush dry. It's best practice to hang your brushes from the handle, but you can also lay the brush on its side. Do not stand a brush on its bristles. 

  6. Optional: If this technique didn't quite remove all of the paint, repeat the entire process with fabric softener instead of dishwashing soap. 

The Solvent Method

Before beginning, reference the label of your oil-based paint for instructions on which solvent to use. Many paints require mineral spirits or paint thinner. Some paints require denatured alcohol. 

  1. Find an open space with lots of ventilation, so you won't be overwhelmed by the smell of the solvent. Pour the solvent into a clean container that won't be used for food or storage. Please note never to mix different solvents together. If you are working with paint thinner, it is advised that you wear safety goggles to cover your eyes in case of splashes. For protection against fumes, wear a ventilation mask. 

  2. Dip your paint brush into the solvent. Lift the brush up and down, so the solvent can mix into the bristles. After a few dips, hold the brush over another empty container or over an old rag. Spin the brush by rotating the handle in between your hands. Repeat this step if there is still some visible paint. If you're trying to clean a paint brush that has hardened paint on it, let your brush soak for a few minutes before repeating this step. 

  3. Once you've finished cleaning your paint brush with solvent, rinse the brush with running water. Make sure you douse each part of your brush, so you can give the water a chance to penetrate the bristles. Use a paint brush comb to help remove lingering paint. 

  4. With an old rag or some paper towels, dry the brush thoroughly.

  5. Straighten the bristles, and let your brush dry. It's best practice to hang your brushes from the handle, but you can also lay the brush on its side. Do not stand a paint brush on its bristles. 

  6. Wash your hands thoroughly after using solvent. If you used paint thinner to clean your brush, check the paint thinner container for proper disposal instructions. Never pour paint thinner into the trash or down a drain, as this can cause environmental harm. Instead, many automotive places can dispose of paint thinner for you. 

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