Free Printable School Coloring Page


Free Printable School Coloring Page

Free Printable School Coloring Page
Free Printable School Coloring Page

"Use this free printable school coloring page to help kids get into the school mood. The coloring page features an apple on a stack of books, surrounded by stars and bubbles. There is also the word “School” at the top of the page. Coloring is very beneficial for children and they will have lots of fun coloring this page! Just download the PDF file, and print it at home or at your local print shop. Enjoy!"

Primary TechniquePaper Crafts


More Crafty Ideas For You

As experienced crafters ourselves, we understand the joy that comes from finding the perfect project to work on. If you enjoy coloring pages, we have some great craft project ideas that you might love!

For those who enjoy the detailed designs of coloring pages, we recommend trying your hand at creating intricate paper quilling designs. This art form involves rolling thin strips of paper into various shapes and designs, which can then be glued together to create stunning pieces of artwork. You can incorporate your coloring page designs into your quilling work for a truly unique finished product.

If you're a fan of coloring pages because of the relaxing and therapeutic nature of coloring, you might enjoy trying your hand at creating your own custom candles. By melting wax and adding in your favorite scents and colors, you can create beautiful candles that not only look great but also fill your home with lovely fragrance. You can use your coloring page designs as inspiration for decorating the exterior of your candles.

If you enjoy coloring pages with a seasonal or holiday theme, why not try your hand at creating seasonal wreaths? Using materials like paper, fabric, or even natural elements like twigs and flowers, you can create stunning wreaths to hang on your door or around your home. You can incorporate your coloring page designs into the various elements of your wreath to tie everything together in a cohesive and festive way.

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