Easy Four Patch Quilt Pattern Ombre Sunset


Easy Four Patch Quilt Pattern Ombre Sunset

Easy Four Patch Quilt Pattern Ombre Sunset
Easy Four Patch Quilt Pattern Ombre Sunset

"I love a four patch quilt, and this is a very simple patchwork quilt to make. It would be a good quilt for a confident beginner to make. Today, I made this in an ombre sunset color scheme. However, the choice of fabrics is up to you, and there are so many variations you could make. You could use a pretty floral four patch with plain white contrasting squares for a perfect spring and summer quilt. Embrace the Serenity of the Setting Sun: Introducing the Easy Four Patch Quilt Pattern Ombre Sunset Make Four Different Sizes of Quilts This pattern is suitable for confident beginners, so even if you have never made a quilt before, you can make this pattern. However, the variety of fabric colors makes it a bit more difficult to keep track of things. This blanket was a joy to make as long as I stayed organized. Crib Size Quilt 46 X 58 inches, shown Throw Size Quilt 66 X 84 inches Twin Size Quilt 76 X 97 inches Queen/KING Size Quilt 86 X 110 inches"

Project TypeMake a Project

Quilt Size46 inches wide x 58 inches long

Time to CompleteA week or two

Primary TechniquePieced


Materials List

  • 11 fabric colors for the 4 patch squares
    1 neutral fabric for the 4 patch squares and solid squares
    backing fabric
  • Thread
    Rotary Cutter
    Quilting Ruler
    Cutting Mat
    Rotating Cutting Mat
    Ironing Board or Pressing Mat
    Sewing Machine

More Crafty Ideas For You

We love the idea of creating a quilt inspired by the beautiful ombre sunset! For those who enjoy the Easy Four Patch Quilt Pattern, we have some craft project recommendations that we think you'll love.

One project idea is to create a matching set of ombre sunset throw pillows. Use the same color scheme as the quilt pattern, but in smaller squares to create a fun and cohesive look for your living room or bedroom. These pillows would make a great gift for a friend or family member who appreciates handmade home decor.

If you're feeling ambitious, you could try making a full-size ombre sunset quilt using the same simple patchwork techniques as the Easy Four Patch Quilt Pattern. This project would be perfect for cozying up on cool evenings or for adding a pop of color to your bedroom. Plus, the gradient colors will give your quilt a unique and eye-catching look.

For a more practical project, consider making a set of ombre sunset coasters. These small squares of fabric can be easily stitched together and backed with felt to create a set of functional and stylish coasters for your home. They also make great gifts for housewarmings or birthdays.

No matter which project you choose, we know you'll have a blast creating something inspired by the stunning ombre sunset. Happy crafting!

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