Radiant Ruffled Blossom Bouquet


    Radiant Ruffled Blossom Bouquet

    A Radiant Ruffled Blossom Bouquet makes a delightful addition to any dinner table or mantelpiece. Learn how to make fabric flowers like these sublime specimens from Maya Road. These DIY fabric flowers look just like a darling bouquet of carnations!

    Radiant Ruffled Blossom Bouquet



    • White cotton fabric
    • Maya Mist water-based pigments
      - Amethyst Metallic
      - Antique Bronze Metallic
      - Antique Patina Metallic
      - Antique Silver Metallic
      - Avocado Metallic
      - Blue Corn Metallic
      - Blue Raspberry Metallic
      - Blueberry Metallic
      - Bubblegum Metallic
      - Charcoal
      - Cherry Metallic
    • Heat gun (optional)
    • Sewing machine
    • Needle and thread
    • Straight sticks



    1. Cut white cotton fabric 5 inches wide and 45 inches long. You can also use white cotton print fabric for interest.
    2. Spray fabric strip with Maya Mist and let dry completely. It helps if you use a heat gun to help heat set the mist. Each of these flowers were a different Maya Mist color.
    3. Iron the fabric strips wrong sides together widthwise. Now, your fabric strips will be 2.5 inches wide x 45 inches long.
    4. Open your fabric up and sew a long gathering stitch down the middle of the fabric strip.
    5. Fold your fabric strip in half again and cut scallops on the top of the strip 2 inches wide. Sew the edge of your scallop.
    6. Start at one end of the fabric strip and start to pull your gathering thread carefully.
    7. Tie one end of the fabric strip to a stick and continue to gather and hot glue the fabric to your stick to make your flower.


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