Colorful Block Scarf


Colorful Block Scarf

This free crochet pattern from DMC Threads is great for beginners. Once you get your foot in the door with this you should be able to crochet any scarf. You'll love the fringe on this one.



  • Senso Microfiber Cotton (Article 710), size 3, color #s 1101, 1105, 1106 & 1109 – 2 balls each (150 yards/ball)
  • Crochet Hook: 4mm, US G/6 or size needed to obtain gauge.

Gauge: 19 sts & 10 rows = 4”


ch = chain
dc(s) = double crochet(s)
rep = repeat
st(s) = stitch(es)
T-ch = turning chain
* … * = repeat instructions between asterisks as many times as directed

Notes: To make color changes work to the last 2 loops of the last stitch of the row prior to a new color row. Finish the stitch with the new color thus working the turning chain in the new color. Cut previous color leaving a 6” tail. Ch3 T-ch counts as 1st st.

With color 1106 (mandarin) ch 46

Row 1:
Dc in 4th ch from hook, dc across, (44 sts),
ch3 & turn.

Row 2
: Dc in 2nd dc, * dc in next dc * rep 43x (44sts), ch3 & turn.

Rows 3- 15:
Rep row 2.

Rows 16- 20:
With color 1101(white) rep row 2.

Rows 21- 35:
With color 1108 (green) rep row 2

Rows 36 - 40:
Rep rows 16-20.

Rows 41- 55:
With color 1105 (pink) rep row 2

Rows 56 - 60:
Rep rows 16-20.

Rows 61 - 175:
Repeat this color sequence twice, omitting the last 5 rows of white the second time, thus ending with pink.

Cut 30 – 20” long strands of each color.
Make 30 bundles (15 for each end) consisting of 1 strand of each color. Along the first and last row sk 1st st, knot:1 bundle in next space, * sk 3 sts, knot:1 bundle in next space * rep across.

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This Colorful Block Scarf is another beautiful scarf with a fashion statement. I like the mix of pastels and earth colors used in this project. The mandarin color provides the energy in this scarf. Each color actually has its own character making this scarf a unique work of art on its own. Go ahead. Play with different colors of your choice. You can also choose how wide and long you'd wan the scarf to be.

omg love this pattern


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