Rug Hooked Wreath


Rug Hooked Wreath

Rug Hooked Wreath
Rug Hooked Wreath

From the designer: "The beauty of fiber art is that there are endless possibilities to our fiber-y creations. Sure, you’ve got your staples: scarves, towels, socks, amigurumi figures, punch needle pillows… the list goes on and on. With this project, we’re taking a step out of the box and doing something a bit different! A rug hooked wreath!

This beginner-friendly rug hooking kit comes complete with a pre-printed pattern on monk’s cloth, pre-cut wool strips, cotton binding tape, color-key, and a hook! You will need a rug hooking frame or hoop to keep the workspace taut. If you opt for a hoop, you will need one that’s at least 12” wide to accommodate the whole pattern. With the final product measuring 8” x 8” it’s a perfect project to dip your toes into the world of rug hooking."

Materials List

  • Loop by Loop Beginner Rug Hooking Kit – Snowflake
  • Rug hooking frame or embroidery hoop (At least 12” wide)
  • 4 small pieces of wood
  • Twine
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun/glue sticks (To attach the twine to the back of the piece)

This project is part of National Craft Month 2024!
Discover 31 NEW Projects in March >>

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