Front Yard Rock & Succulent Garden


Front Yard Rock & Succulent Garden

Front Yard Rock & Succulent Garden
Front Yard Rock Succulent Garden

"For anyone like me who does not have a green thumb, succulents are the one plant you can have a lot of success with even when you forget about them! They are great outdoors in flower beds because they grow up beautifully, are so easy to propagate, and will continue to live on way past those annuals. If you forget to water them - that's okay! They are just fine with only a small amount of water, and being outside, they will even get that from the rain. Really, the only way to kill a succulent is to overwater it, but being outside in the heat and humidity, they are okay getting water everyday too if it's a rainy Summer."

Primary TechniqueGreen Crafting


Materials List

  • Variety of Succulents
  • Rocks
  • Newspaper
  • Cactus, Palm and Citrus Soil

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