Chef Christmas Ornament


Chef Christmas Ornament

1 Comment

Chef Christmas Ornament
Chef Christmas Ornament

"This is a chef christmas ornament made out of a light bulb. The hat was made out of felt material. The miniature rolling pin was purchased online and then painted red on the ends and merry christmas was hand written on the side of the rolling pin. A little gingerbread button was glued onto the stuffed chefs hat. The light bulb was handpainted brown and the face was painted using paint pens. A string was sewn through the hat before securing it to the top of the light bulb so that it can be hung on the christmas tree."

Estimated CostUnder $10

Time to CompleteIn an evening

MaterialsFelt, Paint, Recycled Materials, Wood

Primary TechniquePainting



Project TypeMake a Project

Materials List

  • 60 watt used lightbulb
  • Craft paint in brown and red
  • White and black paint pens
  • Green marker
  • Felt for chefs hat
  • Gingerbread button
  • Stuffing for hat
  • Miniature rolling pin
  • Hot glue
  • String for hanger


  1. The light bulb was handpainted brown and the face was painted using paint pens.

  2. The hat was made out of felt material. A little gingerbread button was glued onto the stuffed chefs hat. A string was sewn through the hat before securing it to the top of the light bulb so that it can be hung on the christmas tree.

  3. The miniature rolling pin was purchased online and then painted red on the ends and merry christmas was hand written on the side of the rolling pin.

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Light bulbs are such an under-utilized crafting material. Love this idea. I could not even tell it was one until I read the description.


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