Recycled Tee Shirt Art


Recycled Tee Shirt Art

1 Comment

 T-Shirt Artwork

If you have a box of old t-shirts around that you don't want to throw away, you should try making Recycled Tee Shirt Art. This makes cool homemade wall decor that you will love to display in any room of your home. Plus, you'll be saving your planet while livening up your living space. This is a very quick and easy craft to do that will save you money. Recycle and reuse your old t-shirts to restyle your home today!

Primary TechniqueFabric Crafts



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This would be a wonderful way to preserve outgrown or worn out t-shirts from special events or concerts for older teen-agers and special shirts for younger children -- the magical memories could then be hung on a wall and kept forever. Thank you for sharing


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