Porcelain Bouquet of Roses Votive Holder


    Porcelain Bouquet of Roses Votive Holder


    Bring in the spring with this lovely Bouquet of Roses Votive Holder that you can make in just a few easy steps with AMACO craft porcelain.  This beautiful DIY home decor project from AMACO also makes a great gift for Mother's Day or birthdays.  If you've never crafted with porcelain before, don't fear!  This is a great project for beginners.  No one will believe that you made this lovely vase yourself, so put it out for everyone to see and admire!

    porcelain bouquet of roses votive holder


    • AMACO® Craft Porcelain — One half of an 83/4 oz. package
    • Glass Votive Holder — 3" Diameter, 21/2" Tall
    • Tacky glue
    • Watercoloring crayons —Bordeaux and Green
    • AMACO® Paragona® Glass Craft Palette
    • AMACO® PolyBlade
    • AMACO® PollyRoller™
    • AMACO® Friendly Plastic® Needle Tool
    • Kemper Rose Cutter Set — Small 1/2" Cutter for Roses and Leaves
    • Circle Pattern Cutters 3/16" and 5/16"
    • Round toothpicks
    • Loew-Cornell American Painter® Series 4300 #4 Shader
    • Small container for water
    • String
    • Yardstick



    1. Using ruler and string, measure height and circumference of votive at widest point.
    2. Working on your palette, roll Craft Porcelain to 1/16 inch thick. Cut a strip to fit and wrap around holder.
    3. Form darts at N, S, E, and W point at top and bottom of holder. Use blade to remove excess Craft Porcelain. Smooth seams with the PolyRoller™.
    4. Use the 3/16 inch and 5/16 inch pattern cutters to remove circles of Craft Porcelain randomly around holder. When necessary, smooth edges with toothpick tip.
    5. Roll some Craft Porcelain to slightly under 1/16 inch thickness. For leaves, cut 18 – 20 circles (one for each leaf). Form circles into tear drop shapes with fingers. Use needle tool to imprint vein lines. Pinch slightly at round end to shape. Set aside to dry.
    6. For rose buds, cut 12 – 14 circles (one for each bud). Roll circle to form a cone shape. Gently roll back top edges of bud with fingers to shape. Use blade to cut flat surface on backside of bud. Set aside to dry. To make 14 – 16 medium roses, cut 4 circles for each rose. For each rose, roll and shape one circle for buds. For petals add three circles around center, overlapping each circle about halfway over preceding circle. Gently push back top edges of circles to shape rose. Cut flat surface on backside. Set aside to dry.
    7. To make 6 – 8 large roses, cut six circles for each rose. Construct as for medium rose but add five petals around each center. Cut flat surface on backside and set aside to dry.
    8. Arrange roses and leaves around rim of holder. Use toothpick to apply glue to flat side of buds and roses and back of round ends of leaves. Use buds and leaves to fill in tiny spaces. Allow to dry thoroughly.
    9. Use #4 shader, water and watercolouring crayons to color roses and leaves. Create tints of color by using more or less water.

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    This is beautiful! Very old-fashioned, like the "capodimonte" china you sometimes still can collect at flea markets---pretty rare stuff, so it's great to see instructions on how to make something that looks just as good!

    @dogwild So glad you liked it! I think it's beautiful, too. It would make a lovely wedding centerpiece or a favor for a bridal shower, too! So many possibilities!


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