Alpine Sun Hat


Alpine Sun Hat

Alpine Sun Hat
Alpine Sun Hat

"Create this gorgeous summer beach hat with this free crochet pattern! Summer hats are great for beach days, sunny days and hot weather.  Free crochet sun hat patterns are one of my favorite things to crochet in the summer! This wide-brim crochet sun hat is made with cotton yarn (the right yarn for crochet sun hats), 5.00 mm crochet hook and yarn needle. You can use a different hook size and natural fibers, just be sure to check your gauge swatch.  This floppy hat starts with a magic ring (magic circle), increased rounds and uses the alpine stitch for the body of the crochet bucket hat. The wide brim is made with single crochet stitches with some increase rounds to create a brim edge. This hat fits an adult size (20-23" head's circumference) and is a fun stitch pattern and functional sun hat to make in different colors! A simple hat pattern that is a great option for summer days and summer months.  This free crochet summer hat pattern features basic crochet stitches to create a beautiful texture and great style!"


Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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