Citrus Crush Bag


Citrus Crush Bag

Citrus Crush Bag
Citrus Crush Bag

"Bring Summer vibes with you every time you go out with the fun and bright Citrus Crush Bag. This vibrant bag features 4 different square designs (you made 13 squares total) and each unique square is worked from the bottom up in rows of single crochet stitches. The squares are then arranged and seamed to create the body of the bag. And to finish your eye-catching accessory, you add the straps that are worked in the round in 2 colors (adding a round of slip sts/ surface crochet can help add durability here). Feel free customize the look of your bag by mixing up the arrangement of the squares, the border and strap colors, and changing the seaming as you’d like.The basic design is a fun and easy square that you can use to make the bag or use as a piece of a separate design. And don’t let the color work worry you, if you can do a single crochet you can make this design – just check your gauge and keep your tension even. "


Crochet HookG/6 or 4 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge19 sc x 19 rows - 4"

Finished SizeSquares (including border) 4.8” across 4.8” high | Bag 13” across (at widest) 12.75” high (not including straps)

Materials List

  • 4.00 mm hook
  • 4 colors of worsted weight yarn
  • yarn needle

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