Crochet Hat Ornament


Crochet Hat Ornament

Crochet Hat Ornament
Crochet Hat Ornament

"Looking for a handmade item to make for that person that’s just hard to make for?? Why not a crochet hat ornament for their tree! If you want to use other yarn, just adjust your hook size. If you aren’t sure about hook size, check the label on your yarn for a recommendation. If your hat turns out larger than you would like on the tree, just use it as an embellishment on a gift. Small crochet hats or mittens look amazing as present decorations! Yarn: Fingering weight scrap yarn Hook: US Size D (3.00mm) Notions: Yarn needle, scissors"


Yarn Weight(1) Super Fine (27-32 stitches to 4 inches)

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