Easy Shell Stitch Scarf


Easy Shell Stitch Scarf

Easy Shell Stitch Scarf
Easy Shell Stitch Scarf

"Looking for a fun and easy project that makes a great gift? Be sure to give our Easy Shell Stitch Scarf pattern a try – just a 2 row repeat! This scarf can be made flat or as an infinity scarf as you see here. Just stitch the end closed to make a cowl or infinity scarf, and leave open if you want a traditional scarf. You can choose to add fringe, pom poms or tassels as well! Yarn: 1 skein Red Heart Super Saver Ombre, (worsted weight #4) Crochet Hook: US Size K (6.50mm) Notions: Yarn needle, scissors Finished Blanket Size: Approximately 5.5″ wide x 52″ length"


Crochet HookK/10.5 or 6.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge14 sts and 8 rows = 4″ in crochet shell stitch pattern

Finished SizeApproximately 5.5″ wide x 52″ length

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