The Red Riding Hood Pocket Scarf


The Red Riding Hood Pocket Scarf

The Red Riding Hood Pocket Scarf
The Red Riding Hood Pocket Scarf

Looking for fun crochet project to make for this weekend? This pretty little red riding hood pocket scarf is perfect for you! Learn how to make this adorable scarf with step by step photo tutorial to help along to make this cutie! Worry free if you are a beginner this free pattern is just for you if you know how to make single and double crochet which in mainly use in this pattern. I am using weight worsted yarn hold double while crochet with 6 mm crochet hook.


Crochet HookJ/10 or 6 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Finished Sizefreesize

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My friend is a crochet and knit queen! She can create anything. And this project really caught my eye, being red is my favorite color and I love the look of the hood, very fashion forward and the addition of pockets at the base of the scarfs portion is such a great solution for keeping those hands warm! What a wonderful pattern, and I could see these being sold like hot cakes if they were available in a store! Thanks for sharing a wonderful, creative and beautiful pattern design!


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