Flowers Blanket Stripe


Flowers Blanket Stripe

Flowers Blanket Stripe
Flowers Blanket Stripe

"The Flowers Stripe plays with puff stitches, skipped stitches and slip stitches to form cute textured flowers with an eyelet center. Materials - 4.5 mm / US H – 8 hook. - Worsted weight yarn: WeCrochet Comfy Worsted (75% pima cotton, 25% acrylic, 50g/1.75oz, 100m/109yd):You will need about 120g/240m/262yd.* - Tapestry needle Size The Blanket section is approximately 12.5 cm / 5” tall and 127 cm / 50” wide. The flower stitch requires a multiple of 18 st. Gauge The gauge for this pattern, in dc, is 14.5 st by 10 rows for a 10 cm by 10 cm / 4” by 4” square."


Crochet Hook4.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Finished Size50"x5"

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