Shell N Picots Cowl


Shell N Picots Cowl

Shell N Picots Cowl
Shell N Picots Cowl

"Crochet Shell N Picots Cowl. Made with Red Heart Boutique Unforgettable - Stained Glass Yarn. The cowl turned out well with the shaded yarn and amazing color combinations in one skein of Red Heart Boutique Unforgettable gives a beautiful texture to the Shell N Picots Cowl. This pattern is categorized under crochet skill level easy. And the pattern is pretty fast pattern with 2 rows repeating. So it’s fast and can finish in one day."


Crochet HookJ/10 or 6 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge15 sc x 18 rows = 4″ with 6mm crochet hook.

Finished Size9” wide and 35” around

Materials List

  • 1 skein of Red Heart Boutique Unforgettable Yarn – Stained Glass
  • 6mm crochet hook
  • Tapestry needle for weaving ends


Link to the pattern >>

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Red Heart Boutique Unforgettable - Stained Glass Yarn. We don't have that kind of yarn where I am located right now so I might just use individual colors. This Shell N Picots Cowl is so unique. I want to wear it over a light, plain top to highlight its very own stunning attributes. This can also be made longer to an infinity scarf.

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This is GORGEOUS! The colors are truly stunning I would definitely pair this with a plain top to make this stand out.


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