Square Motif Mug Cozy


Square Motif Mug Cozy

Square Motif Mug Cozy
Square Motif Mug Cozy

"Looking for a great gift for a coffee lover in your life? Try this easy Square Motif Mug Cozy, crocheted flat and seamed. Pair it with a mug and some coffee and you’re good to go! This pattern is worked in 2 pieces and seamed. First, you crochet 2 square motifs (there is a video tutorial to walk you through) and then you work single crochet on one side of each motif. Finally, you seam them together to create a round mug cozy that fits a travel mug or cup and add a round of single crochet to the top and bottom. Yarn: Lion Brand 24/7 Cotton, or other worsted weight yarn (#4) Crochet Hook: US Size G (4.00mm) Notions: Yarn needle, scissors"


Crochet HookG/6 or 4 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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