A Beautiful Peace Label


A Beautiful Peace Label

This beautiful peace label has 14-count aida, uses light effects and cotton embroidery floss. The dove adds to its beauty. This would make for a nice wedding shower gift of some sort, from DMC Threads.

  • Thread: DMC Light Effects & Cotton Embroidery
    • Floss
  • Fabric: 14-count aida, cream
  • Size: 5-1/4” x 4”


Chart and Pattern

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How clever the designer is - I'd go dotty-er trying to stay on track and it would end up a pea soup blend :)

well, in my experience "pot" does make people more peaceful unlike alcohol which causes so much damage to ALL - if the designer wants pot leaves (if that's what they are) then so be it - those who don't like it don't have to use the design. oh yeah, "people who live in glass houses shouldn't do much of anything!" peace out y'all

Those of who think that is pot should at least do a search on the net and check to see what marijuana leaves look like. They don't look anything like what is in that cross stitch picture. Those are either maple or sweet gum leaves in that cross stitch kit.

How silly to think like that! I think the designer did a great job on the piece.

Actually marijuana has seven leaves if you look it up. I was very discouraged to see the negative comments on this item. I think it is beautiful and I found it very rude and hurtful towards the designer. I think apologies should be made.

The leaves are most like those of the Sweetgum tree, not marijuana as is suggested by so many respondents. I also agree with Gemini25 that the bird would be most appropriately identified as a bluebird. It's cross-stitch, folks, not an Audubon Field Guide. How about a little more gratitude and a lot less gripe?


What a great little "peace". I am going to make it to put on the out side of my apartment door. Granny D

LOL! I too immediately thought those were pot leaves, even before I read any of the comments! And I haven't touched the stuff for over 30 years. I may have to make this one...what a hoot! I would love to see the reactions from friends who come over and see that displayed on my wall) This is great. I just feel sorry for those who don't see the humor in this.

Oh My God! How easy it is for uncreative people to rip apart someones elses design and hard work from the comfort of hiding behind a computer keyboard. How dare you insult someones creativity with out offering up something of yours so we can comment on it??? As for the bird, maybe it's the blue bird of happiness, and if you want to make it a white dove then change it on your design when you create it for yourself. As for the "Pot Leaves" obviously you had a few too many tokes before looking at this because when I saw it I actually though they were supposed to be palm leaves. Wow I'm very surprised and very disappointed in you people. I thought this was a community of creative, imaginative people not a bunch of bitches tearing peoples ideas apart. Get over yourselves.

Well, in my experience blue doves are called pigeons and anything with 5 leaves like that is pot or a very poor poison ivy. I don't like to be critical but when I saw this pattern I about fell out of my chair laughing, and no I am not high!!

... I believe we live in a free country and if the person wants blue doves it's their business no need to be sarcastic either I think it looks nice as far as the leaves go they do not look like pot leaves .

Wow! I thought "pot" leaves as well. And when did doves turn blue?

are those "pot" leaves on there?


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