Tuscan Mosaic Clock


    Tuscan Mosaic Clock

    Any kitchen or living room will come to life with the help of this Tuscan Mosaic Clock.  Ancient design meets modern style with this “aged” mosaic clock. Hang it on the wall or stand it on the desk. This handcrafted clock is the perfect gift for Dad!  The simple star pattern is easy enough for those who have experience with mosaics, and since it comes in a kit, there are lots of helpful instructions (including a DVD video) to help you get the job done!

    Tuscan Mosaic Clock


    • Antiquity Mosaics™ Clock Kit – This kit includes everything you need to create your mosaic, including an exclusive online how-to video
    • Beige Acrylic Paint (Plaid™ Apple Barrel Country Tan)
    • Black Acrylic Paint (Plaid™ FolkArt Licorice)
    • Mixing bowl and spoon
    • Safety Glasses
    • Paper Towels and Newspaper
    • 2 – 1 ½” Wooden Candle Cups (for feet) available in craft stores
    • Tape
    • Clear Acrylic Spray (optional)
    • Wood Glue (or any other glue formulated to use on wood)
    • Sandpaper
    • 3’ Twine/Hemp/Jute
    • Coffee or Tea
    • Pattern


    Read and carefully following the instructions contained within the Antiquity Mosaic’s™ Clock Kit. Each kit contains detailed instructions and an easy online how-to video.

    1. Complete the mosaic following the instruction in the kit. Lightly paint the inside and outside surface with country tan acrylic paint and allow drying.
    2. Soak the twine/jute in a cup of coffee or dark tea and let sit for about an hour. Allow to dry fully. (We used coffee, but tea will give a similar effect)
    3. Apply a light coat of black licorice acrylic paint and allow drying. Once dry coat the black with a layer of country tan acrylic paint and allow to slightly dry.
    4. When tan top coat is almost dry, lightly sand the surface of the clock, the sanding will remove some of the tan and black paint allowing the natural color to show through.
    5. Paint the feet you have selected with two coats of country tan and allow to dry completely.  Optional: If the clock will be near water, spray the wood surface with a protective clear acrylic top coat. To do so, cover the mosaics, then apply 2 or 3 coats of an acrylic top coat. Refer to the paint manufacturer’s instructions.
    6. Cut the twine/jute into six 6” sections. Coil the ends using the pattern provided. Apply each section to both side and the bottom of the clock. The bottom should be left free of embellishment to apply feet.
    7. Once dry, apply a small amount of wood glue to the feet and affix them to the bottom of the clock, allow drying. What a perfectly beautiful way to keep the time!

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