Reusable Cloth Snack Bags


Reusable Cloth Snack Bags


Forget the disposable plastic bags and make a greener and prettier alternative. Make cloth snack or sandwich bags with this tutorial from Amy Thompson.

Reusable Cloth Bags



  1. I've had the idea and the supplies for this project for several weeks and I finally had the time last weekend to sit down and put the two together! The lovely Betz White of this week's MamaView posted about green lunch kits and linked to these two tutorials.

  2. I glanced over the tutorials and then just winged it! One of those plastic table cloths and some cloth napkins found at the thrift store made the perfect material. The fuzzy side of the table cloth made it stick to the napkin nicelyso they didn't slide around while sewing them. I cut squares of the tablecloth to the same size as the napkins and then sewed them together; one side cloth, the other side waterproof for the inside of the bag.

    Sewing Bags
  3. Then I stitched velcro to two opposite sides on the tablecloth side. DO NOT use that sticky-backed kind! It is such a pain to use and you don't need it to be sticky if you're going to be sewing it on anyway.

    Stitching Velcro
  4. Then stick those velcro pieces together and sew up the sides. You're going to have raw hems on the outside because you don't want them folded in or they'll get all in the food on the inside of the bag. You want the inside nice and clean.

  5. Then to solve the raw edge problem, pin on some pretty binding and sew it up!

    Finishing Bags
  6. These are really addicting to make so you might find yourself with a whole set before you know it! They sew up so quickly, it's a satisfying project.


For other fantastic picnic essentials, be sure to check out our collection of 7 Picnic Accessories and Essentials!



To make this free craft pattern, we recommend the following materials. They are available for a discount at




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If made with food grade table cloth then wouldn't it already pass FDA standards? If not couldn't you use heavy duty freezer bags in place of the table cloth?

I love these! Can they be put in the washer or hand wash only? I went and bought the tablecloth fabric on sale an got it for .70 cents on sale for a quarter yard, had to have something boyish for the grandson...teehee

AgsE: you could insert a plastic window on either side of the bag... I have used "boat window" material in the past for similar projects, although again, I would also reccommend a bit of research to ensure its "foodsafe" or not... its a great little idea though, thank you! Also... I might try doing a nice finish along the top as well, giving it a bit of a lip, maybe even a clasp or handle...

It is all right making these for yourself. If you plan to make them to sell there are guidelines that have to be followed including making sure items are food safe. Also the consumer product safety act may come into play if you plan on selling them for kids to use.

I think these are adorable and a nice idea. But now I'm wondering about the fact that you can't see through them, easily knowing what's inside each one. ??

So cute. I go through many 'throw away' bags and they are too flimsy to reuse most of the time. Yeah for going green!

How about a reversed french seam so that there are no edges inside. Saves on the binding. Just put right sides together and sew a scant 1/4" seam. Then turn right sides out and sew a full 1/4" seam on the outside.

here is another helpful hint. For the edges do a small pillowcase pocket seam. what you do is sew it with the right sides together then turn it inside out and sew another seam. When you turn it back out you will have a nice clean seam.

Toooooo Coooool!! LOVE this Idea for X-mas Gifts!! Thank-You! =)


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