Eerie Cupcake Zipper Pull


Eerie Cupcake Zipper Pull

This craft for Halloween is both a trick and a treat. Made from polymer clay, this Eerie Cupcake Zipper Pull is a delight to make and use. This whimsical zipper pull looks like a delicious cupcake topped with an eyeball instead of a cherry. Show off your Halloween spirit with pride and make this fun polymer clay project. People will surely find this a humorous touch to an autumn jacket that may be missing its zipper. Don't take your eyes off this Eerie Cupcake Zipper Pull.

Primary TechniqueClay




  • Polymer clay – purple, brown and orange
  • Colorful micro beads
  • Glossy sealer
  • Needle tool
  • 20 gauge wire
  • Accent beads
  • Eyeball bead
  • Round nose pliers
  • Chain nose pliers
  • Wire cutters
  • Lanyard clip


  1. Make a cupcake shape.
  2. Make a hole in the cupcake with the needle tool.
  3. Bake according to directions.
  4. When the cupcake bead is cool, paint some glossy sealer on the orange icing.
  5. Drizzle some micro beads on the icing while the sealer is still wet.

  6. Allow to dry.
  7. Cut a 4″ piece of wire.
  8. Fold 1/2″ over the round nose pliers to form a loop.
  9. Slide the dangle onto the loop.
  10. Slide the folded wire into the cupcake bead from the bottom up.

  11. Add the eyeball bead.
  12. Fold the wire over, just above the eyeball bead and make another loop.
  13. Slide the loop on the lanyard clip.
  14. Wrap the wire tail around just below the loop to secure it.

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