Spooky Pumpkin Cat
This fun pumpkin cat will be the spookiest Halloween decoration on the block!
STYROFOAM™ Brand Foam:
- Ball, 2"
- Eggs, one each: 4"; 6"
- Orange textured upholstery fabric, 8" x 24"
- 9" x 12" sheet felt: black; white, gold, orange scraps
- Serrated knife
- Black or Orange Embroidery floss
- Candle stub or paraffin
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Embroidery needle
- Compass
- Scissors
- Fabric glue
- Low-temp glue gun
- Glue sticks
Wax serrated knife with candle stub or paraffin. Cut 2"-thick slice from narrow end of large foam egg and 1-1/4"-thick slice from narrow end of small foam egg. Cut thin slices from wide end of each egg and from two opposite sides of foam ball.
Clean work surface to prevent stray bits of cut foam from sticking to fabrics. Cut patterns from felt as indicated. For pumpkin, cut two eyes from white felt and two pupils from black felt. Turn one eye over to make right eye; glue pupils in place.
Use compass to draw 3"-diameter circle onto black felt; cut out. Center one flat side of foam ball on felt. Gather felt up evenly around ball, pulling tightly. Glue felt to foam to secure; trim excess. This side is bottom of head (neck). Set aside.
Cut one 7" x 12" and one 5" x 8" strip from orange upholstery fabric. Center and wrap corresponding strip around each foam egg, overlapping and gluing fabric edges at back to secure. Gather excess fabric and glue to flat sides of pumpkins.
Refer to photo to glue features to large pumpkin. Use three strands orange floss to stitch mouth. Glue star to right side of large pumpkin; use black floss to stitch edges. Use orange floss to stitch bird to small pumpkin as shown.
Glue eyes and mouth to cat face. Use black floss to stitch across eyes and mouth as shown. Glue face to rounded side of head.
- Stack and glue pumpkins and cat head together.
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