Trick or Treat Box
Is this Trick or Treat box filled with candy or critters? This origami treat box from Lifestyle Crafts would make great Halloween party favors or a clever case to hold candy for trick-or-treaters. Use your die-cut machine and a box template you can download for free.
- Rectangle Box die (SKU DC0117)
- Halloween Box file (free download--SKU DL0007-1)
- Epic 6 cutting tool
- Cutting platform
- Tape
- Adhesive
- Print the Halloween box file.
- Notice the guide in the lower-left corner. It will show you where the cut and fold lines are on the file.
- Next, grab your Rectangle Box die.
- You'll want to cut off the excess paper in order for the box to fit onto the Epic 6 cutting platform.
- Line it up with the printable.
- We reccommend adding a piece of tape or two in order to stabilize the shape while it runs through the tool.
- Place the design facing down onto your cutting platform.
- Run the die and design through your die-cutting tool.
- This is what you'll see after you've run the project through the Epic 6.
- Fold on the perforated lines and use adhesive to assemble it all together.
- Add your favorite treat and hand them out to neighbors and trick-or-treaters.