Coffee Filter Fireworks Craft


Coffee Filter Fireworks Craft

Coffee Filter Fireworks Craft
Coffee Filter Fireworks Craft

"We love coming up with craft ideas for kids to decorate and celebrate different holidays. This project is simple to make at home as a family to celebrate the 4th of July. They also make super cute, inexpensive decorations! This is a fun summer activity you can do outside too. Along with celebrating July 4th, this is a great activity to include for a United States Independence Day unit study. Preschoolers and kindergartners will practice fine motor skills as they color the coffee filters with washable markers and create designs with glitter glue. Kids of all ages will enjoy spraying the coffee filters with water and watching the colors blend. These may require additional drying time depending on how much water is sprayed on the coffee filter during the blending stage. It’s important to protect your work surface by placing the coffee filters on top of a craft mat, parchment paper, zippered plastic bag, or even a paper plate before spraying. "


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