Chippy Chair Makeover DIY Home Decor

Save an old chair was headed to the dump and make this Chippy Chair Makeover DIY Home Decor. Do it yourself home decor has never looked so good or been so fun to make. Use paint to turn an old chair into a true piece of art. The finished project will look great anywhere in your home, so place it somewhere where the most people can see it. Be sure to personalize your project so it fits in with the rest of the pieces in your space. DIY decorating projects can help you breathe new life in pieces of furniture that may seem like a lost cause. Save money and skip a trip to the furniture store with this genius DIY project.
Primary TechniquePainting
Materials List
- Old chair
Plaid Folk Art Home Décor Chalk Paint -
Parisian Grey - Plaid Folk Art Home Décor Wax - Clear
- Plaid Folk Art Home Décor Wax - Antique
- Plaid Craft Wax and Chalk Finish Paint Brushes
Lint free rags
- Screwdriver
- Vaseline
- Extra rags for clean up and hands
I now have a Studio chair that I can sit on or use as a prop! I love the way it turned out! Save junk from the dump! It could just be your next treasure!
Prepare chair, tighten loose screws-wipe clean.
Apply base coat of Plaid Falk Art Home Dcor Chalk paint in Parisian Grey. Wait 2 hours for paint to cure.
Apply Plaid Folk Art Home Dcor Wax-Clear. Let this cure overnight.
Using a soft lint free rag buff to desired sheen.
Apply Plaid Folk Art Home Dcor Wax-Antique according to Manufacturer's directions. Let cure overnight.
Using a lint free rag buff to desired sheen.
Print words out on computer paper and transfer words using transfer copy paper.
Paint words using acrylic paints. Let dry.
Apply Plaid Clear wax over the words and let cure overnight. Buff with lint free rag.
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