Wedding Bouquet Card


    Wedding Bouquet Card

    Wedding Bouquet Card
    Wedding Bouquet Card

    "This Simple little Wedding Card uses all kinds of goodies from Little B. (Punches, Dies, Washi Tape, Stickers)"

    Estimated Cost$21-$30

    Time to CompleteUnder an hour

    Primary TechniquePaper Crafts


    Project TypeInvitations and Stationary

    Materials List

    • Lace Doily Punch
    • Gold Foil Hearts Specialty Foil Tape
    • Designer Heart Dies
    • Wedding Bride and Groom Medium Dimensional Stickers
    • Sheer White Ribbon


    1. Using the Lace Doily Punch, punch both sides of a white cardstock layer.(Approx. 4 1/4? x 5 1/4?)

    2. Add Gold Foil Hearts and Gold Foil Toile tapes to the center of the punched cardstock.

    3. Add a thin strip of Gold Foil Love on top of the seem between the two previous tapes.

    4. Layer white cardstock onto a piece of gold cardstock and adhere to a white card base.

    5. Using three of the smaller layering heart dies, cut and emboss a small heart frame.

    6. Adhere the heart frame onto the bottom right corner of the card.

    7. Using a small Wedding bouquet from the Bride and Groom stickers, stick bouquet onto the center of the heart frame.

    8. Tie white sheer ribbon around top of the card.

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