Spring Bouquet: Ribbon and Button Flowers


    Spring Bouquet: Ribbon and Button Flowers

    Spring Bouquet

    In the Designer’s Words: “Is spring taking it's own sweet time in your neck of the woods? Well, it is here. I crave color and life; I want to see green grass and flowers! On this sunny 27 degree day in Pittsburgh, I have to settle for some crafty flowers instead. Do you have ribbon or buttons lying around? Okay, let's get to work.”

    If you are looking to add flower crafts to your DIY home décor, these stunning little flowers are a great way to spring up your space. You do not have to water these flowers, but you will certainly want to show them a lot of love. Absolutely adorable and subtlety colorful, the Spring Bouquet: Ribbon and Button Flowers is a stunning DIY craft that is perfect for your mantle, coffee table, or kitchen table. Made entirely out of ribbons, buttons, and a few other materials, you probably already have all you need to make these DIY flowers stashed in your craft room.

    Printable Flower Patterns

    Find even more how to make flowers tutorials and floral DIY crafts in our spring-inspired collection of craft project ideas. You are sure to find a beautiful bloom to love in 81 Printable Flower Patterns.

    How to Make DIY Flowers


    • Ribbon
    • Buttons
    • Floral wire
    • Floral tape
    • Needle
    • Thread
    • Scissors
    • Glue gun

    Note: You can use any width of ribbon; just vary the number of ribbons used to adjust for thicker or thinner ribbon.


    1. Here, I'm using a thin ribbon, so I cut 8 pieces, 6 inches long. Arrange the ribbons as shown with the centers overlapping. Put a small stitch or two through the center to hold them in place.
      Spring Bouquet step 1
    2. Now, take the free ends and bring them into the center, like this, and secure with another stitch or two to hold them in place.
      Spring Bouquet Step2
    3. Secure a button or two to the center either with a stitch or hot glue.
      Spring Bouquet Step3
    4. Bend the floral wire in half and slide it under the stitches on the back of the flower to form a stem.
      Spring Bouquet Step4
    5. Wrap the wire with floral tape to finish
      Spring Bouquet Step5
    6. The next style of ribbon flower uses a thicker ribbon. I used 1 inch grosgrain, but any style of ribbon will do. You can see in the bouquet I also used a 2 inch sheer ribbon and it worked out just as well.
      Spring Bouquet Step6
    7. Sew a basting stitch along the edge of the ribbon, like this:
      Spring Bouquet Step 7
    8. When you pull on the thread, the ribbon naturally gathers to form a flower. See?
      Spring Bouquet Step8
    9. Thread a piece of floral wire through the holes in the button(s) and slide it through the center of the ribbon "flower". You can dot some hot glue onto the back of the button to secure it to the ribbon. Then, wrap the wire with floral tape, as before.
      Spring Bouquet Step9
    10. Bonus Button Flower Tutorial: Stack your extra buttons in interesting combinations and thread them onto the extra floral wire for a button flower to accent your ribbon flower bouquet. Wrap the wire with floral tape as described previously.
      Spring Bouquet Step10
    11. Place your bouquet on the nearest shelf, sip some lemonade, and dream of spring...
      Spring Bouquet Finished


    Read more about Jennifer, author of this craft tutorial, a Featured Craft Designer at FaveCrafts!



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    Another inexpensive, easy and extremely cute idea. All my favorite words. I have drawers of ribbon and I can't say how many buttons or someone will come with a net and take me away. Let's just say it's in the four digit numbers. Thank you for sharing this great idea

    What a great idea. I have just the ribbon to use. Thanks for sharing that. Cant wait to try.

    I like the first flower will be sure to make some with youth summer activites

    Super lindo tutorial!!! adore la tecnica. Muchas gracias.

    So Cute!!! I will try these.....

    This is such a clever idea, and most sewers or crafters have both buttons and ribbon on hand, I may have to invest in florist wire, that that is pretty simple, thanks so much for sharing, these are darling. Carolyn H

    verry cute i am going to sujest this to myfriend

    Chances are, if you have leftover buttons and ribbon, you have some leftover lace trim. Using the same procedure as above for grosgrain ribbon, gather the lace and secure with a few stitches. Put a button or bow in the center and you have another flower. You could also sew velcro to the back and use in the hair of children. These are so cute.

    i would to see more craft projects like this one. i volenteer once a week they do crafts and need help doing the crafts they make. This is a wonderful site to get ideas for this group. THANK YOU VERY MUCH anjjce63

    I am brand new to this site. Just registered this morning. If all instructions are put together this well, I will have no problems. This looks fun and interesting. Thanks.

    I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I thought the photos were very well done with this article and the the instructions were simple yet thorough. Well done!

    I made a spring vest with these type of flowers on them. Just stitch them on the fabric where you like and make stems out of fabric and stitch on. It made a real nice vest to ware for spring.

    Yeah! Let's see more projects like this one with step by step illustrations! Very helpful!!


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