Toy Slinky Dog


    Toy Slinky Dog

    "When Toy Story 4 released, our kids wanted to make all sorts of fun Toy Story crafts! Our favorite Toy Story creation is Slinky Dog, and we loved how it turned out. So much, we are showing you exactly how to make your own! All you need to make your very own Slinky Dog, is tan, brown, and dark brown, and black foam paper, silver pipe cleaners, large googly eyes, hot glue, a pencil, scissors, and a sharpie. "

    Primary TechniqueGeneral Crafts


    Materials List

    • Foam paper (tan, brown, and dark brown, and black)
    • Silver pipe cleaners
    • Large googly eyes
    • Hot Glue
    • Pencil
    • Scissors
    • Black Sharpie


    1. Let’s start by drawing out all the shapes that we will cut out of our foam paper.

    2. On the tan, draw the shape of slinky’s snout and his four paws. His front paws have four toes and his back have three.

    3. On the brown draw three circles for the front of his body, the back of his body, and his head. Make the head circle just a bit smaller than his body circles.

    4. On the dark brown, draw the shape of his ears, four legs, and the tip of the tail.

    5. Finally, use the black foam paper to draw a small oval for his nose. Before you cut them out make sure that all pieces are proportional to one another. As soon as you’ve finalize each part cut them all out carefully using your scissors.

    6. Now, use hot glue to assemble all the shapes that you cut out. Keep in mind that they need to be glued together in layers. For example: brown body circle on bottom then brown head circle on top of that followed by the tan snout and the black nose last on the very top of the layers.

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