Amigurumi Antonio the Frog


Amigurumi Antonio the Frog


Made with 100 percent acrylic yarn you can crochet this Antonio frog. Who says you can't have a frog for a pet? At least you don't have to clean up after this one.


  • Red Heart Comfort sport in two colours of your choice.
  • Hook: 3.75 mm

R = round or row
sc = single crochet
st = stitch
tog = together (sc 2 tog = decrease)
sl st = slip stitch
instructions between * are repeated


R1 - sc 6 in a circle (amigurumi double ring) = 6st
R2 - 2 sc in each st around = 12 st
R3 - *sc 1, 2 sc in next st* = 18 st
R4 - *sc 2, 2 sc in next st* = 24 st
R5 to R7 - sc around = 24 st
R8 - *sc 2 tog twice, sc 8* = 20st
R9 - *sc 2 tog, sc 8* = 18st
R10 - *sc 2 tog, sc 7* = 16st
R11 - *sc 2 tog, sc 6* = 14st
R12 - *sc 2 tog, sc 5* = 12st
R13 - sc 2, sc 2 tog, sc 6
R14 - sc 2, sc to tog, sc 4
sl st and bind off, leaving a tail long enough to sew end closed.
Stuff with 100% polyester fibrefill and close.
If you choose to use safety eyes, you'll insert these before stuffing. If not, directions for the eyes are next.


Eyes (make 2):
R1 - With main colour (this is the iris), sc 6 in a circle (amigurumi double ring) = 6st.
sl st in first sc to close the circle, bind off and cut yarn.
R2 - Attach white or other contrasting colour and 2 sc in each st around = 12 st.
sl st in first sc in round and bind off and cut yarn, leaving a long enough end to sew the eyes to the body at 2 and 10 o'clock placements.


Hind Legs (make 2):
Chain 15.
1st toe: sl st in the 2nd chain from the hook, sl st 3 more.
2nd toe: Chain 6; sl st 5, back along these to the main chain.
3rd toe: Chain 5, sl st 4, back along these to the main chain.
Put hook through the bottom of the 2nd toe's chain, yarn over, pull through, keaving loop on hook.
Put hook through chain beside third toe, yarn over, pull through all loops on hook.
sl st back along the leg, bind off at first chain and cut yarn. Use ends to sew the top of the leg to the ankle, then sew the ankle to the body at the corner of the end that was sewn shut.


Fore Legs (make 2):
Chain 9.
1st toe: sl st in the 2nd chain from the hook, sl st 2 more.
2nd toe: Chain 5; sl st 4, back along these to the main chain.
3rd toe: Chain 4, sl st 3, back along these to the main chain.
Put hook through the bottom of the 2nd toe's chain, yarn over, pull through, keaving loop on hook.
Put hook through chain beside third toe, yarn over, pull through all loops on hook. Sl st back along the leg, bind off at first chain and cut yarn. Use ends to sew the top of the leg to the side of the body, just behind the eye.

Weave in all free ends and add a smile either by embroidering with yarn or gluing on felt.


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Ugly! It doesn't even look like a frog.

My little sister loves amphibians. This will make a great stocking stuffer!


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