Felt Cake and Brownies


    Felt Cake and Brownies


    Make play food for kids from nothing more than a little felt. This felt cake and brownies from Kim Kenward is calorie free and super simple.

    Felt Cake and Brownies

    Brownie Materials:

    • 1 inch wooden blocks (available at any craft store)
    • Brown felt
    • Hot glue
    • Silk or ribbon flowers
    • Ribbon and/or rick rack *optional, but it looks really pretty

    Felt Cake and Brownies

    Brownie Instructions:

    1. I used 1 inch blocks for the base of the brownie. I cut enough fabric to wrap around my block and then used hot glue to adhere the felt to the block. I folded the ends of the felt just like you would wrap packages.

      Felt Cake and Brownies

      Felt Cake and Brownies
    2. I then glued ribbon and/or rick rack around the diameter of the brownie and added a ribbon flower on top.

      Felt Cake and Brownies

      Felt Cake and Brownies

    Cake Materials:

    • 2 styrofoam circles
    • Pink paint and brush
    • Pink felt
    • Rick rack or ribbon
    • Ribbon flowers or silk flowers

    Felt Cake and Brownies

    Cake Instructions:

    1. Glue styrofoam circles together with hot glue and trace 2 circles onto felt and cut out.

      Felt Cake and Brownies
    2. Paint sides of styrofoam with pink paint. I also painted the top and bottom but it wouldn't be necessary.

      Felt Cake and Brownies
    3. I stuck the styrofoam in front of a fan to speed up the dry time. It was done in about 20 minutes (10 minutes per side). I then hot glued the felt to the top and bottom of the styrofoam.

      Felt Cake and Brownies
    4. I added rick rack around the edges with hot glue and embellished the cake with mini ribbon flowers.

      Felt Cake and Brownies

      Felt Cake and Brownies


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    When my grandkids were younger they loved pretending that they were cooking or baking foods. They played for hours and I always was looking for foods at yard sales because to buy them from department stores were expensive. These felt cake and brownies look good enough to eat. They look so real and it is cheaper to make them. Felt is so cheap and the blocks for the brownies or the styrofoam for the cake can be combined with a 40% off coupon at Hobby Lobby making it cheap also. If you want to get creative look for things to use around the house. Let the kids join in and help you. This can be such a fun project to do and so simple and creative.

    This is a very cute project! I made felt cakes too. Cupcakes to be exact. I used tissue paper rolls, glued a piece of paper at the bottom and on the top. I turned some of them into gift boxes. I decorated them with flowers, pearls, felt strawberries / blueberries / oranges. Making them was so fun! )

    So cute! I love how sweet these look and how personalized you can make them. Great idea about the plastic blocks, too!

    Do you know of anything else besides wooden blocks to use for the brownies??? I have a 4 year old niece that I'd LOVE to make these for, but I'm afraid she might hurt herself with a wooden block. She tends to throw her toys in the air.

    you might want to make cubes of plastic canvas for the brownies - also, if you stuffed the plastic canvas cubes with fiber fill they would last longer

    Super lindo!!! Gracias.


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