Simple Fabric Postcard


Simple Fabric Postcard

Make a big impression with a little piece of mail. Create a Simple Fabric Postcard from Heather Valentine using scraps and cardstock. This is a fun alternative to a generic, store-bough card. Next time you travel, send a homemade postcard to someone you love.

Simple Fabric Postcard


  • Card stock
  • Fabric scraps
  • Freezer paper
  • Sewing machine or needle & thread


  1. Cut your card stock to 4 1/4″ tall X 6″ wide. Since I like to make a few at a time, I cut a bunch. A rotary cutter will make quick work of this step. *Remember- size matters here.
  2. Now the fun part! A few of my post cards will be going over seas so, I thought it would be fun to put an image of the USA on them. I traced my image onto the paper side of freezer paper and ironed the shiny side to my fabric with a low temp setting. (no steam here)
  3. To create the background on my postcard I cut a piece of fabric slightly larger than my card stock. Center your image and pin it in place. With a straight stitch; stitch all around the edge. To show where we live, I added a fun decorative stitch in a contrast color.
  4. Center your card stock on the wrong side of fabric and all around edge stitch through all layers. Trim away the excess fabric. *Tip- Use a piece of double stitch tape or roll out glue to help prevent the fabric from slipping on the card stock.

    Simple Fabric Postcard

For a comprehensive video tutorial of this project, check out How to Make a Fabric Embellished Postcard.

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