Out of This World Photo Holder


    Out of This World Photo Holder

    This great quick and easy craft project for kids will provide hours of creative  play. You cam help kids create these photo-frame alien friends that will leave kids giggling and having a great time making something with their hands.

    Out of this World Picture Holder Kids Craft


    • STYROFOAM Brand Foam:
      • Balls: 1-1/2", two; 1", seven; 3/4", 16
      • Cone, 9" x 4"
      • Sheet, scrap
    • Pearl-finish acrylic paints: green, pink, purple
    • Card stock: green, pink, purple
    • Photos of choice, three
    • Pink/iridescent twisted-paper ribbon, 12" length
    • Wire: 20-gauge craft, 3" length; flat purple metallic, 1 yard
    • White, cloth-covered floral wires, 18-gauge, 18" long, four
    • Hex nuts or fishing weights, 12
    • Ruler
    • Candle stub or paraffin
    • Pencil
    • Serrated knife
    • Wooden toothpicks, 14
    • Paintbrushes: 1" flat; small round
    • Wire cutters
    • Water basin
    • Scissors
    • Paper towels
    • Disposable palette
    • Needlenose pliers
    • Glue sticks
    • Low-temperature glue gun
    • White craft glue, thick

    Download Pattern


    1. Wax serrated knife with candle stub or paraffin. Cut and remove small cone from inside base of 9" foam cone. Angle cut toward center of foam, creating a 2 3/4" diameter base and leaving a 1/2" thick outer wall. Do not cut through foam wall. Cut bottom 1/2" from small cone for cover. Glue weighs to top of cover; glue cover back into cone. Be sure cone sits level. Let dry overnight.
    2. Cut or break twelve toothpicks in half. Dot broken ends with glue and insert one pick half way into each 1" foam ball. Cut or break additional 1/4" off remaining broken toothpicks; glue and insert half way into 3/4" foam balls.
    3. Paint cone green; let dry. Insert toothpick into each 1 1/2" foam ball. Holding toothpicks, paint pupils green and back half of eyes purple, slightly overlapping pupils. Place toothpicks in scrap foam; let dry. In same way, paint 1" balls purple and nine 3/4" balls pink; let dry.
    4. Untwist paper ribbon and fold in half. Cut patterns from ribbon and craft foam as indicated; set aside.
    5. Wrap center of wings with 3" wire length; twist wire ends to secure. Glue wire into back of cone, 5 1/2" from bottom.
    6. Cut one cloth-covered floral wire in half for antennae. Use pliers to roll one end of all five wire lengths into coils. Glue and insert longer lengths into back of cone, 7" from bottom; insert antennae 3/4" from top.
    7. Cut four 9" lengths from flat wire. For arms, tightly wrap two lengths around pencil or paintbrush handle to curl; glue and insert arms into sides of cone, 4 1/2" from bottom. Bend remaining wire lengths as desired; glue and insert wires into top of cone for eyes.
    8. Remove toothpick handles from eyes and two pink 3/4" balls (hands). Use scissors blade to press 1/4" deep slot into hands and eyes just above pupils. Glue and insert eyelashes and hands into balls as shown. Dot eye and arm wire ends with glue; insert wire ends into foam eyes and hands. Glue mouth to face.
    9. Using photo as guide, arrange remaining balls around center of cone, 2 1/2" from bottom. One at a time, apply glue to toothpick ends and insert into cone.
    10. Cut photos and mats as desired. Glue photos to mats. Slide mats into coiled wire clips.


    ®™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow.
    For more project ideas, please see styrofoamstyle.com.

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