Pilgrim Pete
Make your Thanksgiving festive with table decorations. Use this free craft idea to make a pilgrim of your own. Place Pete on a table, shelf, or in your favorite nook.
DecoArt Products Required
- Americana Acrylics
- DA215 - Peony Pink
- DAO67 - Lamp (Ebony) Black
- DA114 - Light Cinnamon
- DAO78 - Flesh Tone
- Papier mache box, round or square
- Funkin, JoAnn's #09673401
- Foam sheets: yellow, black, brown, white
- Wiggle eyes
- Model Magic, any color
- Tracing and transfer paper
- 12" piece of black grosgrain ribbon
- Craft knife
- Ruler
- Low-temp hot glue gun and glue sticks
- 3 round brush
- 1" and 2" sponge brushes
- Stapler and staples
- Use ruler and craft knife to cut foam as follows: Brown: 7" x 17" strip and two circles of 5 1/4" and 11" diameter; Black: 1 1/4" x 17" strip; Yellow: 2 1/4" square; White: 10" square.
- Use 2" sponge brush to paint Funkin, Flesh Tone; and box, Light Cinnamon. Let dry.
- Use 1" sponge brush and Lamp Black to loosely paint hair.
- Mix small amount of Peony Pink into Flesh Tone. Lightly brush on mix for cheeks.
- Trace and transfer mouth and tongue.
- Use round brush to paint tongue Peony Pink. Paint mouth and outline tongue with Lamp Black.
- Roll small ball of Model Magic for nose. Apply glue on ball and press onto face. Paint nose Flesh Tone.
- To assemble hat: roll 17" strip of brown foam into cylinder to fit 5 1/4" diameter circle. Secure ends with staples. Position 5 1/4" circle at one end of cylinder and secure with glue. Position and adhere 11" diameter circle at opposite end of cylinder to form hat. Position and adhere black hat band and yellow buckle.
- To assemble collar: Cut V-shape into white foam. Position and adhere to box top.
- Adhere eyes on face and hat on head. Position head on box and adhere with glue.
- Tie ribbon into bow and adhere on collar.