Plaster Faux Deer Head


Plaster Faux Deer Head

1 Comment

Wooden deer heads are the latest trend in home decor. Try Jennifer Neill's DIY version with this Plaster Faux Deer Head project. This paintable plaster crafts makes a great feature for your mantel or wall.


Plaster Faux Deer Head




  • Newspaper
  • Masking tape
  • Flour
  • Water
  • Cardboard
  • Rigid Wrap plaster cloth
  • Stain


  1. I started out by drawing the shape of the antlers on a piece of brown kraft paper, then traced it onto the cardboard. To get a pair of antlers, you will need to trace the shape one way then flip the template and trace the second one backwards.
  2. Then I started with a ball of newspaper that I began to shape with the help of masking tape. A general skull shape is just wider at the top and tapered at the snout. Square off the snout and hold everything in place with layers of tape.

    Plaster Faux Deer Head
  3. Then I concocted paper mache using flour and water and stirred. It should be the consistency of pancake batter. Simply dip strips of newspaper and apply to the newspaper skull and cardboard antlers.

    Plaster Faux Deer Head
  4. I knew I could paint the paper mache after it dried, but I wanted more of plaster look, so I found this Rigid Wrap brand plaster cloth at my local craft store. Bingo!

    Plaster Faux Deer Head
  5. The plaster cloth is so easy to apply, simply cut the cloth into appropriately sized pieces and soak in warm water. Rub the cloth until creamy then apply to your project. Your skull will look like white plaster when you are finished:

    Plaster Faux Deer Head
  6. I painted it with a white gloss acrylic paint then wiped on then wiped off a medium stain to antique it a bit.

    Plaster Faux Deer Head

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I think this looks like a great project. I definately want to try this real soon. In fact the next time that I go shopping, I want to get some of the ridig wrap plaster cloth. I think that this project is just fantastic and I can hardly wait to try it. Would like to see more of these crafts like this.


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