Taking Flight Fabric Bird Wings


Looking for fun, homemade costume ideas? These Taking Flight Fabric Bird Wings from Pattie Donham Wilkinson for I Love to Create are a sure bet. Colorful, beautiful...taking flight!


  • Aleene’s Fabric Fusion Permanent Fabric Adhesive
  • Scissors
  • 3-4 old tie dyed T-shirts
  • Sewing machine
  • 1-yard ribbon, cut in half
  • Large white T-shirt
  • Straight pins
  • Thread


  1. Cut large T-shirt using provided illustration as a pattern to create a wing base.
  2. For the rows of “feathers”, cut tie-dyed T-shirts into 4” wide strips, scalloping one edge.
  3. Line scalloped strips along wings as desired and pinning in place as you go. Overlap scallops to cover straight edge. Using Aleene's® Fabric Fusion®, glue top straight edge of strips in place. Keep wings lying flat and let dry.
  4. Turn over wings to see underside, cut excess edges of strips off along base shirt’s wing line.
  5. Fold one ribbon piece in half and use sewing machine to sew to top edge of wing at wrist length. Repeat on other side.

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First instruction says cut t-shirt using provided illlustration as pattern. Are you referring to the picture as the illustration ?


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