Maria Williamson
As a lot of my friends affectionately call me domestic, tell me I’m a nice home maker, etc… I thought why not use that and create a place where I can share all I have learned in my many hobbies and experiences? I love crafting (my fave is sewing), making foods from scratch, gardening, and the list goes on…I am a spender and a saver. I believe there are some products worth spending the money on and buying store bought and there are others that we can successfully duplicate ourselves for much less. I will share my many recipes, how to’s, and lessons learned here with you and I hope you will share yours with me. I truly value your experiences and opinions you have to share. I am always learning and hope to continue to do so for a long time to come. So come, have a coffee or tea and let’s chat!
Projects on FaveCrafts:
Read NextNapkin Art Birdhouse