Garden of Eden Headband
This lovely Garden of Eden Headband is great for little girls, teens, and adults alike! Made with colorful felt embellishments, flowers, and birds, easy DIY hair accessories like this are great for all kinds of event and celebrations. From proms to weddings, dances to birthday parties, these DIY hair clips and head band will be a great addition to your collection of colorful accessories. Flower craft ideas are the perfect little pieces to wear year-round. Whether you are right in the middle of a flowery spring or just need some flowers in the snow, this felt craft idea is absolutely perfect. Plus, you can easily design a color scheme that meets your needs.
Find more headband ideas you are sure to love in our collection of 21 DIY Headbands & How to Make Headbands Tutorials.
- Fuse Creativity System® Starter Set
- Mini Design Set 102400 - Flower
- Mini Design Set 102420 - Petunia
- Medium Design Set 100850 - Bird
- Premier No. 5 Micro-Tip® Scissors
- Wool felt in various colors
- Barrette clips
- Headband
- Selection of assorted buttons
- Needle
- Embroidery floss
- Glue gun
- Cut flower shapes from wool felt using the Fuse Creativity System® and the Mini Design Sets. Mix and match the colors to get a variety of looks and styles.
- Cut leaves from green wool felt using the bird’s wing from the Bird Medium Design Set.
- Hand stitch a leaf design on to the leaves using embroidery floss and a needle.
- Layer the cut felt flowers, using a mixture of colors and sizes. Secure together by hand stitching a button through the center, or simply by stitching an X. Hand stitch the leaves to the back of the last flower to hide the stitching.
- Glue the flowers to the hair clips with a hot glue gun. Allow the glue to dry fully.
- Use the same hot glue gun method to stick flowers to the headband.
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